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"I'm sorry." Marcel says mumbling. While he stares at the ground.

"You're what?" I said in surprised.

Did he just say he was sorry? Because I was about to say that I was sorry for being a bad friend.

"I said I'm sorry." Marcel says while he is looking at me in the eye. He admitted that he was sorry.

"Why are you sorry?" I say trying to get some information.

Marcel's POV

Why would she ask that? I thought she knew why I was sorry.

"Well, I was pretty upset when you kissed my brother but I don't know why I was mad. I was stupid and a douche for not forgiving you and I should of not made it a big deal. I didn't know how small it was until now. And I just want us as best friends, to be back normal again. I want us to be best friends again. And be the friends that we were before all this happened. I'm sorry Jess." Okay, I lied how I didn't know why I was mad but still, the rest really was true.

I looked back at the ground and memories started to sink in. And it was getting a little fuzzy.

"It's okay Marcel, I forgive you. I really want us to be best friends again and I know I made a mistake. I'm so sorry for kissing your brother. I didn't know how much it would hurt you. I'm so so so so sorry for everything. Please please please forgive me." I herd her words and something in me knew that she really meant it.

I looked up back at her and one tear escaped her right cheek, exposing her huge cut.

"Please don't cry." I said in a worried voice.

Come on, Marcel comfort her. Give her a hug or something.

I soon leaned in and gave her a hug.

Jess' POV

Tears started escaping my eye, exposing my cut. It burned real bad. Before I knew it, tears started falling down out of my eyes. Every second tears got heavier and heavier with my make up smearing all over the place. God, I'm a mess. A big mess. Moments later, Marcel leaned in for a hug. I cried more into his Jacket and started sobbing.

"Please don't cry." Marcel says once again.

I began sobbing even more. Gosh I really am a mess. I didn't know crying would be apart of this chat.


SORRY THIS CHAPTER WAS PRETTY SHORT. WELL BECAUSE, I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE A GOOD POINT ON WHERE TO STOP AT. ALSO, YOU GUYS DIDNT LISTEN! I TOLD YOU GUYS TO GIVE ME 3 VOTES. THIS TIME, YALL VETTER VOTE. That did not make sense. harharhar. anyways, if you want another fast update, I need ya'll to keep on voting!!! more votes! Simple as a that! So, HURRY!!! -LuisaRubianes xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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