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Order Up
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"Hi Louis!" I waved happily at him as I entered the café at 7 a.m - like every morning. Louis' smile beamed towards me as I went and found my seat at my usual table. His footsteps following me soon after, sitting across from me.

"Can I get you anything?" Louis asked, his hands folded together in front of him as he asked me. His deep blue eyes were breathtaking. His good looks and his manners all tied into one, I'm surprised someone hasn't snagged him up yet.

I'm starting to think he's gay.

"Um, regular, please," I smiled sweetly at him. He nodded his head, getting up and heading into the kitchen. Leaving me to write in my journal for the first time today.

I've kept a journal since I was 16 years old. Not very old at all, but now, I'm 19, almost 20. Some people think I'm too old to keep a journal at this age.

I think they're all wrong.

I keep a journal for so many reasons, I couldn't possibly state them all. I didn't really have time to either, before a ding from the front of the store pulled my attention away from my task, signaling someone had come into the café.

That's odd. No one usually comes in until 9 a.m. But it's only 7:13 a.m right now.

Unless someone possibly had the early shift at work or something and stopped in for a cup of coffee, I can't see any other reason to come in this early. But I do each and every morning, so I guess it's understandable.

"Excuse me?" A small, male's voice said from the counter. I looked up, seeing who was there.

It was the boy from yesterday, the boy I helped find a seat. I remembered him as clear as day. His green eyes, his sweater, his jeans. Everything.

He looked shy as he stood up there. Louis was in the back room of the coffee shop making mine. He was oblivious to the boy at the front counter.

Without thinking, I stood up and walked behind the counter, walking to the register and greeting him with the warmest smile I could muster as I sweetly asked him what he would like.

I had done this many times before. There were a few times Louis and his dad had needed some help, so I helped them. We had become pretty good friends over the few years I've known them, so I was happy to oblige.

"Can I just have a coffee? Anything with caffeine? P-Please?" He asked, stuttering in his answer. I found it quite adorable, so I smiled sweetly. Nodding at him.

"Name?" I asked, grabbing a Sharpie from a can of them on the counter and spinning it between my fingers.

"Harry," he told me. The side of his mouth twitching up slightly into a weak smile. I didn't have to ask his name. They only did when the place was packed in the mornings. I just wanted so desperately to know his name. But I think he knew that, too.

I walked to the back room where Louis was making my coffee after shooting Harry a small smirk. Swatting Louis on the side of his head on my way past him to the coffee machine on the opposite side of him.

"Hey! What was that for?" Louis questioned, rubbing the side of his head with the palm of his hand despite barely hitting him very hard at all.

"There was a customer up there ringing the bell and you stayed back here," I explained, pulling a mug from the top of a stack of newly cleaned ones and not meeting his eyes. I decided on making my favorite kind of coffee since, unfortunately, that was the only one I had knowledge of making. I did it with my best ability, adding a leaf design to the top of it like Louis had shown me many times before.

I couldn't help but to admire the shiny gleam of the utensils and everything it the back room. Louis' dad always kept it so clean and nice back here. It's nice enough to come back here to hang out even. Though I probably never would.

Once I was done, I slipped a cardboard ring with the café's logo around the top of the mug - like Louis told me to do many, many times - finally finishing the Harry's cup of coffee.

I smiled smugly at Louis as he watched me walk by. The cup of coffee held securely in my hand as I walked up to the counter. Meeting the green-eyed boy in front of me once again, nearly making my breath hitch in my throat at the sight of him.

"Here's your coffee," I said, smiling the best I could muster when my breath was nearly caught in my chest. "I just made what I knew how to. But it has caffeine," I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck as I typed the total of his order into the cash register and told him the amount.

His hands made way to his pockets, reaching in and giving me a 5 dollar bill, telling me to keep the change with a small smile as he walked away towards the table I was at before. Where he sat yesterday.

My stomach did a noticeable flip as he sat down in the chair where I was supposed to be sitting near.

I don't know how this mysterious, nervous, and breathtaking boy can make me feel this way, but the way my chest caved and my stomach flipped, it couldn't be a good thing.

But hell if I wasn't going to get to know him better. Maybe not now, but soon.

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