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t w e l v e ;

The cool breeze of Chicago's city air was calming and frigid against my skin, making me pull the olive hoodie Louis had loaned me over my shoulders more, a small yawn emitting from my throat. It was only 7 o'clock in the morning now, but Louis and I had agreed to leave early and go to the shop. Surprisingly, I wasn't too tired, only a little droopiness weighing down my eyelids from the darkness turning into light around us.

"The usual?" Louis asked as we finally reached the café, his hand coming out, gripping the handle and pulling the door open, letting me inside first as I muttered a small thanks. I nodded at his question, stretching once we got into the heated shop and I could physically feel my body relaxing as the heat practically defrosted my limbs. As I looked around, I realized the shop was once again void of Louis' dad's happy and jolly spirit. I haven't heard from Louis' dad is a few days, he was probably traveling with his brother with the company he co-owned, either way, he deserved the time away from this bustling place. It seemed to stress him out a lot at times.

   Louis walked into the back room as I felt my phone buzz in the pocket at the front of my jacket, my nose twitched as I grabbed out my phone, swiping my finger across the screen to see a text from Harry.

   "Hey, are you at the shop yet? I was going to stop buy a little early if that's all right. - H."

   I smiled at the message. I found a little adoration deep in my heart at the fact he signed off his text messages with his first initial. I wonder if he did that for everybody or just because this was his first time texting me. I pushed the thoughts aside, bringing up the keyboard and beginning to type.

   "Of course! I'll be waiting! (:"

   Within only seconds, the 'read' sign showed up under my text and he responded.

   "Be there soon. - H."

   I smiled again, leaving his text on read and shoving the cold surface of my phone back into my pocket and once again letting a yawn emit from my throat, sitting at a table near the front windows of the shop. I let my eyes become hooded as I just watched the sun rise above the building, casting shadows on the streets and for the sky to brighten into the beautiful blue I adored. The blue that matched the seas and Louis' eyes.

Before long, a cup of coffee was sat in front of me, a pretty design painted at the top elegantly with creamer, a leaf that looked more like a heart than anything. I remember when Louis was first trying to learn these and messed up all the time, it was a good learning experience at least. I smiled, muttering a "thank you" and beginning to gently run the pads of my fingers over scribbles on the back of my hand that I didn't remember writing there in the first place. It looked like a little code, 3-digits. 2K2. Sounds interesting. Though it most likely had more significance than I was looking into, I pushed it aside, looking back up at the gradient sky.

   Before long, a bell rang at the door and I looked up with bright eyes at Harry walking in, hands pushed in his pockets, journal void from his hands, making me squint in confusion. He always had it with him. It was odd. I looked down at mine on the table, pushing it more to the side of the table before Harry spotted me, coming over and sitting in front of me with a small smile on his face.

"Hey," I smiled, greeting him as I leaned my crossed arms on to the table, by hair slightly falling in my eyes. He shrugged.

   "Hello, how's your morning?" He asked, his eyes bright green and his dimples protruding through his cheeks with his smile and front teeth that resembled a bunny rabbit. I smiled, my eyes scanning his face then coming up to meet his eyes.

   "Good, actually. Well, so far. Louis and I were going to go shopping to get me ready for New York and we were wondering if you'd want to tag along?" I asked, lifting up one shoulder in question and curiosity as to what he would answer. I observed his face as he thought. He's so pretty. The light hitting his eyes just right and making the green nearly overwhelming as I watched his eyes stare back into mine.

   "I'd love to," he simply answered, smiling as he observed my face, also. I nodded, looking back down at my hands, the simple combination '2k2' written there. I shrugged, looking up as Louis came walking into the room with his own coffee, his eyes going wide for a quick second when he realized Harry had shown up.

   "Hey, Haz," Louis greeted, my eyebrows furrowing from the nickname I wasn't quite familiar with. Harry smiled up at him, saying a hello back. I smiled, too. Louis sat down beside me, pulling up a chair and training his eyes out the window for a moment, watching the gradient of the sky like I was moments before.

   "So, are you going shopping with us in preparation of New York?" Louis asked, Harry looked up again, smiling and nodding his head gently. He was so graceful and elegant. What a blessing he was.

   I could feel Harry's gaze on me as my view was set back to the view out the window. I couldn't help but to think of the time my dad, Louis, and I were sitting here, my dad and Louis talking as my eyes drifted out the window like they were now. My dad had confronted Louis about a worry of his. He had worried that Louis developed feelings for me. Louis made sure to make it clear he didn't, of course, but that wasn't the biggest problem in my dad's eyes. He loved Louis, he just didn't want his baby girl taken from him just yet.

Only a week later, the opposite happened. He was taken from me.

   As I was brought out of my state of daydream by Louis' hand setting on my shoulder, I didn't find tears on my cheeks, I found a deep frown there instead, making Louis' brows furrow and his head to turn slightly in confusion.

"What's wrong?" He questioned, his eyes searching my face from some kind of indicator of what I was feeling or thinking of, though I'm sure he found nothing.

"Just thinking about dad," I stated, my eyes going back out to the window as Harry and Louis watched. I'm sure they exchanged a look regarding me, but at the moment I didn't care. I just picked up my cup of coffee, swaddling it in my hands and drinking it in short sips, watching at the sun rose from the tops of buildings and the light spread a warmth along the streets of Chicago.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket, opening my photos app and going to my 'family' album, beginning to scan the many photos I had with Ara and Athie. The ones I took with my dad when he was driving me places or random times when I'd snap a picture with him as he took a tiny nap on the couch. Or the ones I snapped with mom when she would cook dinner and ask me to help. The little moments I didn't think were much when they happened, but were quickly taken away, making me angry with myself that I took all of that for granted.

I came across my favorite I think was ever taken. There, in the photo, was Louis, Athie, Ara, and I, all smiling and giggling as we played on the floor with each other, Louis' arm wrapped tightly around my neck, pulling me closely into his side and Athie and Ara climbing on the two of us like we were a jungle gym. My mom snapped this on Christmas Eve when Louis and his dad came over for Christmas dinner. It was an amazing time and Louis had bought me a necklace with the tiny letter 'M' 0n it. I adored the necklace, I still have it, in fact. It's in a small jewelry box in my room at Louis' apartment. I made a mental note to put it on when we got home.

I smiled down at my phone, a small giggle emitting from me as I remembered the memory that I had forgot for awhile. Louis looked over, confused and a small smile held on his lips. I looked up at him, turning the face of my phone towards him, watching as his face lit up at the memory, but quickly faded as he realized there weren't going to be anymore memories like that. As did mine.

A minute of silence engulfed the four of us until Harry spoke up, a small twinkle in his eyes as he spoke.

"So, are you guys ready to go?"


A filler! I know, I'm a pain in the ass. I'm sorry that I haven't updated as much as I'd like to, I'm working on my stories as much as I can. I also have another story in the works that I adore. I can't wait to share it with you. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter! All the love!

Please vote, comment, share! X.

October 2nd, 2016.

- brea (:

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