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Foul Reminiscing
t e n ;

   LOUIS ;

   My head has just been fucking pounding with stress and frustration this past week. The feeling of queasiness and anxiousness has taken up the pit of my stomach like a bag of rocks and I didn't see its planned leave anytime soon.

   My fingers were white with the pressure of them against the wooden surface as I gripped the arms of the chair I was sat in. My hair I surely haven't washed in a week was grossly laying across my forehead, making me even more annoyed with how my morning was going so far. Strangely enough, Mars hasn't appeared yet in the café today and it was 10AM. Though she's grown and can definitely defend for herself any day, it didn't stop me from worrying. She has had a strict schedule to come at exactly 7AM every morning for only God knows how long, and today, she broke that.

   So, I picked up my phone, and called her.

   I sat there, letting the repetitive ringing make my ears nearly bleed with its annoying tone. I sat there for four rings, and right when I was about to give up and hang up, her soft voice came through the other end. "Louis?"

   "Mars? Hey, where are you, love?" I questioned softly, standing up from my chair abruptly and pacing worriedly across the tile floor. My Adidas shoes were chaffed, I could tell now as I scowled down at the ground and my shoes came into view. I barely paid any attention to that this past week. I might need to get a new pair soon.

   "I-I..." she trailed off, sighing into the phone, I could here rustling, getting out of her bed, maybe?

   "Are you okay, Mars?" I asked worriedly, my voice reaching a near urgent tone where I needed Mars to tell me she's okay. Just the sound of her voice a moment ago gave me chills and put me on edge. The odd twinge in my stomach nearly made me gag on the spot.

"Yeah, just last night was bad and I could barely sleep. I only just now got up. I'm sorry to worry you, Lou," she said on the other end. She sounded so restless and tired, poor girl. My eyebrows were furrowed with sadness and empathy as I sighed.

"You don't have to be sorry, love, I was just wondering what you were up to. Are you going to come in? I can make your favorite," I smiled for the first time all day, hearing her giggle on the other end and more rustling from getting her daily necessities to leave for the coffee shop, hopefully.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be there within the next thirty minutes, start the cup now, if you could, please? My head is pounding from lack of sleep at the moment and I feel like dying," she said, huffing on the other end, sort of childishly, making me laugh and nod before remembering briefly she couldn't see me and agreeing. Before long, we were hanging up and I was going into the back room to start her beloved coffee.


My feet seemed to endlessly drag beneath me as I trudged through the Chicago streets to get to the café. Once I had ended the call, I instantly felt regret for even agreeing to leave the house. I didn't feel up to it at all, it seemed too much of a task to do, for some reason. But, to my dismay, I already agreed. My body - though tired and near the point of shutting down - awoke just a tiny bit when I hopped in for a quick shower. After drying my hair and making sure I look a little more pleasing than a wet sewer rat, I left. More than a few loud yawns emitted from me as I walked through the streets, gaining the attention of a few people around me at different times. I was beyond tired, I could pass out right on the concrete and it would feel as comfortable as a bed of feathers.

writers. / harry styles ( DISCONTINUED )Where stories live. Discover now