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t h r e e ;

I sighed as I walked inside the café once again, Tuesday. I hated Tuesdays. Usually people say they hate Mondays. Not me, I absolutely hated Tuesdays.

"Mars, why so blue, love?" Louis' voice came through the café, making my ears wrentch as the overwhelming headache shot pains through my skull.

"Not feeling so hot today, Lou," I said, taking out a chair and sitting down looking up at Louis short after.

"Sorry to hear that. Want some green tea?" Louis suggested, raising his eyebrows in question as yet another ray of sunshine peaked through the front windows, making my headache wretch against my skull.

"Yeah, Lou. That sounds fine," I said, setting my head down on the table and covering my head with my arms. Too much sunlight. Way too much.

I hated headaches like this because I constantly felt like someone was hitting me in the head with a hammer and I could hear every sound around me at all times.

Including the bell that rang in the front of the café.

The bell alone made me want to cry, but Louis just had to have a clumsy day and drop a cup in the back room, making a glass shattering sound cascade across the café, also. My palms pushed into my ears. This had to be one of the worst headaches I've ever had in my entire life.

"Hey? You all right?" A song voice peeked through my cupped palms against my ears, making my eyes glance up at the voice in front of me.


"Oh, uhm, hello," I stuttered, my hands coming away from my ears and laying delicately on my lap, trying my best to smile at him while my pulsing pain in my head only grew bigger. Harry's worried look didn't subside, either. Only looking at me for an answer to the question he had asked. His green eyes were hard to not think about when I was looking into them as I tried to remember the question he had asked only seconds before.

What was it? Am I all right?

"Oh, y-yeah. I'm fine," I smiled politely, showing teeth for only a second before a wrenching pain started at my temples and scraped through my skull, making my face twist in agony as I lowered my head to the table again, resting my forehead on the table.

Harry must think I'm mental right now.

A hand wrapped around the top of the chair on the other side of the table, pulling the chair out gently so the raking sound of metal on tile didn't ricochet off the walls of the café once again. If he made that sound just now, I don't know if I would've been able to hold back from killing him right here and now.

"Headache, love?" He asked, his accent laced into his words like ribbon as he asked me the question quietly. I was thankful for the small voice he was using, otherwise his voice would've made the headache wrenching through my brain right now, worse. If that's even possible.

"Precisely," I stated quietly, letting out a sigh. I brought my fingers up to my temples, massaging the skin there lightly as if it were a gaping surface wound. Which, it wasn't. Though it felt mighty close to that.

"Would you like me to order you some green tea or something to dull the ache, Marcel?" Harry's sweet voice was still quiet - thank God - and his eyes met mine as they threatened to close from the pain putting preasure on the entirety of my head, the pulsing ache not leaving for anything.

"No, I'm all right. Thank you, though. Lou was supposed to bring me tea awhile ago but I heard a cup crashing back there not long ago, so he must have to remake it," I said, sighing deeply and shutting my eyes as the echoing sound of the shattering cup came back into memory, playing though my skull quietly.

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