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Early Morning Smiles & Scars
e l e v e n ;

"Mars! Wake the hell up!" Louis' voice shot through my unknown dreams that had evaporated the second my eyes shot open and my body bolted up with sweat nearly resisting my body from picking up from sheets. "Jesus, Mars. Are you okay?" Louis' voice was coated heavily with worry and I knew he was trying his best to hold himself together in front of me.

   I just nodded, my chest heaving as I picked little pieces of my dream that came to mind from my sleepy mind, shutting my eyes and counting to ten in my head.

   one, two, three, four, five, s--

   "What the hell? Mars? What's this?" Louis' voice brought me out of my own head and made me eyes open to his that were drawn to my shoulder. My brows furrowed as a confused haze set over my head until I turned my head, carefully looking down at what exactly he was staring at.

   Scratches? What the hell?

   Louis gently took my hand in his, lifting it up so he could have a better look at my shoulder as he brought his leg up, sitting on the bed in front of me, nearly on top of my right leg. He leaned forward, urgently twisting the knob on the lamp so he could have some light to see what happened, which I would like to know. I didn't even know myself.

   "Did you do this to yourself?" Louis asked, his voice void of any emotion besides confusion. He wasn't sad nor angry, just curious. I looked down and sideways at them once again, barely able to see them from the stiffness of my neck. I looked back up at him, observing the crease between his brows that he got when he was worried. I shook my head, not remembering giving myself them whatsoever. I wouldn't have purposely.

   "I," I paused, the dryness in my throat making my voice crack. I swallowed, sighing. "I wouldn't do that, you know that," I said, looking down at my lap and twisting my thumbs as I felt his eyes scan my face. I wasn't lying. He should know that.

   "Okay, I believe you. They're bleeding, though. I need to clean them up, come on," he said, taking my hand once again and gently helping me up, my legs were borderline asleep underneath me as I walked behind Louis to the bathroom across the hall from my room. The hallway was dark and the wooden flooring was frigid against my feet, making a shiver go down my spine as yet another small detail from my dream came into mind.

An attacker?

I pushed the thought aside as Louis gently helped my sleepy frame up on to the counter in front of him, a small yawn emitting from him as he ran a hand through his hair, his black Adidas shirt hanging loosely on his torso. He leaned down next to me, opening the cabinets below the sink and grabbing out the safety kit, resting it on the counter and opening it with a click, grabbing out gauze and hydrogen peroxide.

"You know the drill," he said gently, meaning I know it was going to sting a little, we went through this many times a several years ago when he was teaching me how to skateboard, it's times like this I wished it was back to that again. Before everything.

I nodded, angling my body so he could easily get to my shoulder from where he was standing, he sighed once again, leaning forward and wetting the gauze in the hydrogen peroxide and pressing it over the scratches and cuts lining from a few inches below my collar bone to a little past my shoulder. It stung horribly, but my expression didn't falter as I just stared into the calming pools of his irises. I was calm right now, the bathroom window emitting no light into the room, the lightbulb being the only thing putting light here for us. I could faintly see the outlining of buildings outside the window, though. It looked to be about five o'clock in the morning. I wish I was outside taking a walk right now, but knowing the middle of Chicago, it could be a little dangerous.

   Within only about thirty seconds - in which I had zoned out - Louis had successfully bandaged my shoulder neatly, running his fingers delicately against the material over the scratches, his eyes flickering to meet mine again.

   "I hope Harry knows how to take care of you as well as I do," Louis said almost bitterly, making me chuckle a little, sighing as my little smile fell and I realized I'll be leaving Chicago soon and going to live in New York for eight months.

   I shook my head, "no one could ever take care of me as well as you do," I said, wrapping my arms around Louis' torso and pulling him to me in a warm hug as I rested my head against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat gently thrumming in his chest like a tiny kick drum, filling my veins with a sense of calm.

"I'm going to miss you and your hugs so much," Louis whispered against the top of my head sadly. I brought my head up, resting my chin on his chest and gazing up at him.

"I'm going to miss you and yours, also," I said, frowning slightly and sighing. I wish I knew when I was leaving. I'll have to call Lydia today and talk to her. Knowing Louis, he probably already talked to her about it and bought the plane tickets for Harry and I and just spaced telling me, but who knows?

   "How about we head to the shop a little early today and try to get ahold of Harry to come discuss some things and maybe go shopping for some clothes and such so you're fully prepared for New York?" Louis suggested, looking down at me with a giddy smile holding his lips, instantly uplifting the mood and making me smile, also.

   I nodded, smiling, "I'd like that a lot."


Hey guys! I've been extremely busy with school and everything else this past two weeks and I'm so sorry I haven't updated as much as I usually do for this story. Please stay tuned and keep reading! I'll try to update again this week or this weekend for you guys. Much love!

Please vote, comment, share! X.

September 18th, 2016.

- brea (:

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