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Harry stood from his chair, glancing over at Mars to assure her that he would be back in only a matter of moments. That's what I hoped anyways. I'm hoping this went quick and painless. Otherwise...I'm fucked. Just plain and fucked. Speaking of fucked, I haven't gotten laid in so long.

Woah, okay you horny fuck, calm the fuck down. Focus.

   I took a deep breath, refraining from my unholy thoughts and turning towards Harry once I led him into the back room, leaning against the counters. I couldn't help but to clench my jaw and tense up my shoulders. Though Harry was taller than me, and broader, he seemed intimidated. I wasn't sure yet if that was bad or good. Though I hoped desperately for the latter.

   I was leaving a man I have barely met yet, with my best friend and the most important person in my life. I was either making a gigantic mistake or doing something that could largely benefit Mars. Something that can make her okay again.

   Harry had his hands hung loosely behind his back, his lips pressed into a firm like and his eyes ever-so slightly squinted in concentration. He was handsome, I'll admit.

   I took yet another deep breath, looking up at him and boosting myself on to the counter behind me, leaning back on the cupboards above it. "Okay, so, listen," I said, starting my lost likely long conversation with Harry. "You know about everything that happened, and you know about the episode only the other night," I paused. "The truth is, Mars isn't okay. She may seem like it, but she isn't. I know she isn't, she knows she isn't. The difficult thing about all of this is that she needs to go to New York to start sessions with her long-time psychiatrist that lives there."

   Harry continued to listen contently, blind completely of where this was going. I only sighed, trying to get the odd, irritating feeling to leave my body that seemed to cover it like a damned fire blanket.

   "I can't go with her," I paused, nearly feeling my voice crack under the stress I was in. "I have to stay here, and she has no one else besides you and my father and I refuse to let her go alone. So, please, I know you probably have a life here, or, God forbid, a girlfriend. Or family, friends, et cetera. But she needs somebody. And I see the way you look at her with care and even if I'm just a dumbass and see it wrongly, I am begging you to go with her," I finished, letting my head fall back on to the wooden cupboard behind me, breathing shakily at even the thought of him saying no and Mars having to go to New York alone.

   It was silent for a moment, no sound whatsoever heard around me. It gave me some time to think, sure, but it made me uneasy as to what he could be thinking over. What if he says no? He could say no and Mars would be in New York alone. For only God knows how many months.

   "I'll do it."

   And with those simple three words, my head shot up and my eyes went so wide that they could easily roll out from my skull. "What?"

   "I said, I'll do it. I'll go to New York with her," Harry said in a soft and sure tone, making a smile break out on to my face. She won't be alone going to New York. She'll have Harry, a caring man, by her side the whole time. Thank God.

   I hopped down from the counter, leaning forward and wrapping my arms around him, giving him a quick hug. Thankfully, he didn't tense up or have a disgusted frown take over is face like many of today's men would. He only simply wrapped his arms around me, too, giving me a short hug before I pulled back.

   "Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to Mars and I and how much this is going to help her become okay again. Thank you so fucking much," I said, bowing my head slightly in relief as I spoke my last words, shaking my head in astonishment.

   Harry's smile was breathtaking as he only shrugged one shoulder, crinkles showing up by his eyes as he smiled. "Of course. It'll help with my writing, too. I'd love to help her. It would benefit us both," he explained, nodding. I smiled again until the sound of footsteps took over my hearing. Soon, the magnificent Mars stepped in to the room, her hair hanging slightly in her eyes and a small frown taking over her deep pink lips.

   "Louis," she half scolded, half questioned as she stepped closer, into the back room. "Please tell me you aren't scaring Harry off," she said, glancing up at Harry who only had a small, appealing smirk covering half of his lips.

   "Not at all, sweetheart," I said, smiling wide. "Harry's going with you to New York."

   Suddenly, her eyes lit up and the most breathtaking smile took up her face as she looked, almost frantically, between the two of us, her hands coming up to cover her mouth in shock and glee. Her arms went up, wrapping around Harry's neck and engulfing him in one of her award winning hugs that I miss already, just watching it.

   "Thank you so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you," she muttered, her face shoved in Harry's neck as she spoke, her voice was muffled cutely, making him smile widely and wrap his arms around her tighter. After that hug, she turned to me, wrapping her arms around me in possibly even a tighter hug than Harry's, pressing her cheek to mine and holding me to her as her body weight pressed my back almost painfully into the counter.

   "I love you. Thank you," she muttered into my ear, causing a smile to engulf my face.

   "I love you, too."

   Harry is going with her. She will be safe in New York.


This was short, I know, but I hope it was enjoyable! I'm becoming so excited for this story and I hope you all are, too! I love you guys, thanks for reading. Predictions?

Also, if you haven't figured it out already, I'm a huge Larrie.

Vote, comment, share! X.

- brea (:

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