An Argumentative Dispute

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What do you know,

I know more than you ever will,

You are sly as crow,

Cease now or you'll feel a chill,

Your threats are void,

Only if them you can avoid,

You murderess fiend,

That is I but you are no friend,

How is it that I'm not,

Because of you life is brought,

What is your infernal point,

Pain and suffering you have joint,

Yet from me comes goodness,

You birth evil nonetheless,

You speak of evil but only you are,

I am their unwelcome saviour by far,

You are no saviour, defiler of good,

As I draw up my long dark hood,

Speak not your demented mind,

When prey I do find,

Your days become a numbered few,

Their salvation is brought through,

You do not help them,

I free them from your condemn,

I am the reason for joy,

But that and wrongness as well,

You are oh so very coy,

Lies you know all too well.

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