Chapter 8

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Your POV

Once we were all done with laughing, and me realizing I had a family, we all went to our stations to start working again! Max showed me where I would be working. It was right next to him! NO STOP! I can't be falling for him! You do realize Y/N that your just an awful person. He is out of your league, and there's a reason that your parents abused you, so don't forget that!

"Hey Y/N are you okay?" Max asked, pulling me away from the dark hole of my mind that was where my self-confidence should be.

"Oh, yeah! I was just thinking! I'm fine!" I replied, looking into his eyes that were filled with concern.

"Oh okay!" He smiled, but I could still see the concern in his eyes. "Now have you ever used this editing software?"

"Oh yeah! It's really simple! I love this kind of software!" I said, now getting enthusiastic about this. "I guess the only thing is that I don't know how you edit everyone's videos.

"Oh. In that case just take until lunch to watch a variety of everyone's videos. We have about two hours, so that will be plenty of time for you to get a feel for everyone's videos." He said, writing down all of their youtube names so that I knew what to search. He looked up at me now with a little sparkle in his eyes.

"Okay! Do you happen to have another set of headphones though? I don't have any." I asked a little shyly.

"Just borrow my earbuds. We'll get you a pair when we go out for lunch." He offered kindly, reaching onto his desk to find them.

"Thanks!" I said blushing a little when he was turned around. No Y/N. You don't deserve him. Max handed me his earbuds, and I started to watch all of their videos till lunch. That is of course after Max and I set up my new computer with all of my account information and picking out a screensaver.

Max's POV

We were all done with our silly little session, we all parted our separate ways. Well, that is except for me and Y/N. I led her to where she would be working, right next to me of course, and we sat down. I had to fix my screen saver really quickly because those idiots I have as friends changed it to Adam's derp face. When I turned my attention back to Y/N, I realized that she looked like so many negative emotions all at once. Angry, sad, scared, so many awful emotions. I needed her to snap out of it.

"Hey Y/N are you okay?" I asked, concern filling my voice. She then looked like she snapped out of a trance, and plastered on a fake smile I could see right through.

"Oh yeah! I was just thinking! I'm fine!" She replied, obviously with a voice that was not fine. Her eyes were not giving off that sparkle that I secretly adore. I didn't want to get too much into it right now, so I just went along with it, still suspicious.

"Oh okay!" I smiled at her. My smile was still genuine, but I am still curious what happened. Was it a flashback from her past? Oh well, I wouldn't want to get into it in front of everyone. I'll just have to wait until lunch or something. "Now have you ever used this editing software?" I asked her getting back on the matter at had.

"Oh yeah! It's really simple! I love this kind of software!" She said, now regaining a little bit of that sparkle in her eyes that I love. Stop Max! You haven't even known her that long!

"Oh. In that case just take until lunch to watch a variety of everyone's videos. We have about two hours, so that will be plenty of time for you to get a feel for everyone's videos." I said, writing down all of their youtube channel names with their real names next to them. I looked up at her, handing her the informational sticky-note, admiring her beautiful e/c eyes. She then blushed a little bit. before replying to me. Sh** was I staring?

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