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I shot upwards on the rock, eyes wide. "Hello?" The noise bounced of the walls.

Something moved in the corner of the room. My face turned dark read and I realized what I just did. I hopped of then hid behind the rock.

"Who's there?" A voice asked coldly. I blushed deeper. What on earth was I thinking?

I sat up quickly and wiggled my toes. Wait a second, toes! I sighed as I remembered the crazy dream.

Wait, a little voice in my head said. If it was just a dream, why are you here?

Oh dear.

"Hello?" The same voice asked, softening a bit.

"H-h-hi..." I tried to say loudly but ended up mumbling.

"Who are you?" He asked -- not too warmly.

"U-uh H-holly. Y-you?"

"That's not important. How did you get here?" He demanded. I searched for the source of the voice but with no luck. This was slightly odd. However, under the circumstances, I accepted it.

"I d-don't know!" I exclaimed, almost sobbing from frustration. I needed to get out of here! He was being rude, and tired and aching brain didn't accept this.

"Really?" He softened up a bit. I looked around for the source, and right in the corner, a tall boy stepped out. Immediately, I blushed an even deeper tomato red then my hair. The only thing he was wearing was a pair of pants. The first thing after that I noticed, however, were his electric blue eyes.

He vaguely reminded me of someone, but my memory was hazy.

"God, I'm sorry. I was suspicious." He put his hands on his face and sat down wearily on the sand next to me.

"I-it's okay," I said as if I wasn't sure my voice was working.

"What's your name?" He asked. Gosh, he sounded miserable. Defeated.

"Holly. Your name?" What! I didn't even stutter. I mentally congratulated myself.

"Ryan." He gave a tiny smile.

"Wow, I used to know a Ryan... when I was like three.." I remembered.

There was a tiny flicker of hope in his eyes, but then faded, back to a muted hopelessness.

"Where do you come from, anyway?" I asked. Wow, I was so proud that I didn't stutter!

He closed his eyes and looked away. "Somewhere."

Why didn't he want to say? Boy, he looked upset.

"What's wrong?" I almost reached out to touch his shoulder, then pulled away.

He tried his best to smile. "You must think I'm crazy, huh. We just met and here I am, just.."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll understand." I said naïvely.

He laughed, a bitter laugh that sounded unlike something he'd say.

"Nobody will." He then shook off the bitterness, it seemed. "So tell me about yourself!"

I gave him the rundown: my boring life living on the beach. I didn't know why I was getting really attached to him. I felt like it was so easy to talk to him, and I guess never talking much made me feel bottled up. Talking to him made me feel the opposite. I rambled on as I hoped this conversation would never end.

"So, is there anything you can tell me about yourself?" I asked hopefully.

"Not much to tell." He searched for something to say but obviously couldn't think of anything. I could tell he didn't want to tell me anything, but he didn't want to lie, either.

I stared down the water. Oh! I needed to get home!

"I have to go! It was nice meeting you!" I exclaimed. "Hey did you want to come eat dinner with us?"

He looked hopeful, then it disappeared. I sighed. I didn't know who this guy was at all. I didn't(although I would have liked to) know why he was upset. I'd only talked to him for like an hour, and that was it. We'd probably never talk again.

He gave a small half smile. "Bye."

I stood up. I looked down. And with a second thought, I dove into to the cool waters of the cave.

Ow ow ow! My legs hurt and the same immobile feeling spread over them. I looked down.

Ohh crap. This wasn't a dream!

I really was half fish!

My eyes widened as I recalled the other presence.

How much had Ryan seen?

I looked back and, to my surprise, I saw Ryan right behind me. But he was... different. He was obviously thrilled. But as my eyes followed down to his scaly fish tail, I realized:

He was just like me.


Hey guys! So this is a short chapter, sorry. If anyone is reading I'd like to thank them a whole lot! :D haha.

Okay, I'm already planning my next book. But I still have like eleven chapters left! I don't have a one track mind, haha.

So, please vote if you wish!!

Rae <3

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