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I HUGGED MY FAMILY BACK. "Bye, mom. Bye, dad." I kissed their cheeks as a goodbye. It was time to go to "college." Or so they believed.

"Bye, Kayla." I leaned down to her height. She stuck her tongue out. "Whatever."

At almost ten, she was a very sarcastic little kid. I hugged her, laughing.

I grabbed my --waterproof-- suitcase and walked out the door.

"Don't get too crazy!" My mom said, obviously crying.

"I love you guys!" I shouted and started walking away. As soon as I was out of sight, I started running down to the shoreline. I took a deep breath. The last time I had been here had been five years ago.

The nervous side started to get to me. What if I couldn't transform in the ocean anymore? I'd of course had to take a shower, but it wasn't salt water.

I took a deep breath of the salty air. I knew I could do this. In the past couple of years, my shyness had been replaced by a certain type of confidence. We had moved across the country to a small city in Alabama. I protested, wishing that we'd live near a beach. I missed it like crazy.

Would Carly and Ryan remember me? Would my real dad remember me?

I took a deep breath and dove in with my suitcase. For a minute, nothing happened.

I resurfaced, but I realized the air was too thin to breathe. Whew. I smiled and dove underwater, laughing at the familiar yet long passed feeling.

I passed gorgeous reefs and beautiful animals and turtles and fish. I just couldn't get enough.

Soon, I had arrived at the village. My laughs faded, however, when I discovered that it wasn't the same village I'd loved. I stopped in my tracks, watching the same familiar darkness coming from the tails. Black magic.

Holy manatee. I spotted Carly with the same soulless look in her eyes as before I'd went away, before I'd made a terrible mistake.

Because I knew this time, something was more horribly off than the last time. Because if I squinted and looked really hard, I could see the leader of this disaster.

It was Ryan.


I swear, this is not what it looks like. I feel like I broke everyone's heart...

But not to fear, sequel woman is here! Yes folks indeed. For I have decided to make not one, no no no, but two more sequels! I'm sorry fans, but I'm going to be sticking around for a little longer. If y'all don't like that idea, I'll come up with an alternate ending. Just comment please! :)

Okay here's the rant. You guys are the sweetest, most loyal fans ever. And I can't believe that you precious people took time out of your very days to spend time reading this book. The final amounts of reads are 1.2 + k, which is about a thousand two hundred more than I could have ever imagined! You guys are the absolute best.

So for now, I'm going to be writing MARKED. I'll get to the sequel probably afterwards. Then I'll have another book(which I'm already planning) and then the third. So hold on tight, people. I can't wait for more wonderful adventures with wonderful people!

Hats off to you. :)

Rae <3

See ya for tomorrow's adventures!

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