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ARIZONA WAS HOT. We took public transportation--Yumi enjoying the difference in speed and decorations compared to japanese transportation. After the bus and train, we finally arrived--a day and a half later.

I took a map at a McDonalds, where we stopped for iced water, both of us parched. There were hardly any large bodies of water, and I wondered how Holly had survived here. Yumi was shivering from dehydration. I was alright, however, and I played that off to my magic-keeper status.

We sat at the small McDonalds with large cups of water cupped between our hands. Yumi grabbed water multiple times, but I was content with my single glass.

When the harsh red color of her face started to fade, we relaxed in our seats.

The McDonalds was right in the middle of the desert; only a bus stop sat beside. I asked someone and heard it was an hour's ride to the Arizona Leadership Academy. As soon as we were done downing water, we would leave.

"Arizona is a lot different than Japan." Yumi commented, still sipping her water. Mine was half empty, and I left it at that.

"It is," I said. "Hotter."

Yumi shook her cup and only ice sounded. She got up, got water, then returned. "So, what do you plan to say to Holly?"

I stared at her, sitting forward in my seat. I hadn't actually thought about what I would say. "I... don't know." I admitted. Maybe I would just beg her to come back. "Maybe she'll remember why she loved the village so much and come back."

"Maybe," Yumi said uncertainly, as if she didn't believe her words. "But what if she doesn't? What will we do?"

"Maybe we shouldn't consider the possibility." I told her, watching as a bus pulled up in the window. "Should we catch this bus?"

She agreed, and we walked out, her filling her water cup up on the way out. The bus was air conditioned, but reeked of sweat. We took seats near the back and counted the minutes until an hour was up.

Finally, we reached the stop and stepped out into the hot, dry air. I noticed how many of the buildings were a red, terra cotta color, and signal lights and road signs matched. Also, cacti grew in every available spot.

Yumi looked around in wonder. "This is really different."

I thought about telling her to try hugging the cactus and it'll be fun, but I decided against it, thinking it was a jerk-ish move. "Yep. I wonder how Holly likes it."

"We'll have to find out, won't we?" Yumi said, starting to walk down the street. Large building were on either side, not helping the heat of the day in any way. At the very end of the street sat a large school, titled "Arizona Leadership Academy."

In only a few more minutes of walking, I would see Holly, ask her to come back, figure out the source of the carnage and rescue the village. No sweat there.

The street seemed endless but we were soon enough able to step inside to the cool building. It was the largest one on the block: five stories tall and very wide, in addition to a backyard.

It seemed like an apartment building on the inside. A small receptionist's desk sat on the right side, where a well-dressed lady sat. We walked up to her, sweaty and exhausted from the long day of travel.

"Hello," she said formally, her face disgusted at our appearances. Yumi looked ashamed, and I gently elbowed her, as if to say "it's okay."

"We are looking for a girl named Holly Windsor." I said, stepping forward to the cool granite counter.

The receptionist typed something on her keyboard. "Are you related?" She asked me, not even asking Yumi. I frowned.

"I'm her cousin. And Yumi here is her cousin, too." I announced, hoping she didn't notice the difference between Holly and my appearance. I figured, however, cousins usually don't have to look alike.

"Alright. Room 234." The lady said, giving us both visitor stickers. "Visiting hours end at seven pm."

We hade a little over three hours, so we hurried to climb the steps and find her room. I hoped she wouldn't be too surprised when I knocked.

The flights got warmer and warmer as we climbed, growing to simply hot. We reached the second floor in what felt like ages-- this place was gargantuan. I quickly located 234, and we stood in front of the door. I reached up and knocked, three loud taps in an eerily quiet hallway.

The door opened slowly, and a grinning Holly emerged, her expression quickly widening in shock. She was about two inches taller than the last time I had seen her, becoming confident and happier. She looked up at me, horror on her face, as someone came up behind her.

"Who is it?" The voice asked, and I watched a tall boy with blonde hair emerge. He had glasses on, which made me hope they were studying in there.

Holly looked over at him, the exact same expression on her face. In only a second, she slammed the door in my face.


Thanks SOO much, everyone, for the constant stream of support! I made it through Camp NaNoWriMo and reached my goal, but the story isn't done yet, haha.

Remember the blonde dude from earlier in the book? :O Also, anyone remember what's gotten into Holly?

<3 Rae

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