The Fight (part two)

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"What do you want me to do?"

I looked at her, as if I didn't believe what I was hearing. But I did believe it--Holly had always been exceptionally kind, and therefore (I assumed) forgiving.

Blonde dude entered the scene, leaning against the doorframe. At these words, he looked at her, as if he didn't believe what he was hearing, either.

"I'll pack my things, and we can leave in a while." She reaffirmed, and I smiled a little. Yumi, who stood behind me, pumped her fist.

"Holly," blonde dude began, putting a hand on her shoulder. He leaned forwards and whispered something into her ear. My stomach knotted, and Holly's face soured. I saw Yumi's sympathetic look at my expression out of the corner of my eye.

He whispered something again and Holly's expression changed. It became more determined, and I looked over at Yumi. She shook her head in an I-have-no-idea sort of fashion.

"Yes," Holly stated, but not towards me. "We'll leave in a bit."

"Wait," I held up my hand. "He's coming too?"

"Do you want me to come or not?" She asked rather impatiently, an action entirely uncharacteristic for her.

"Well, y-yeah," I said, but frowned.

"Then we'll get our stuff." Holly said, closing the door behind her and blonde dude.

I turned to Yumi. "We'll have to ditch blonde dude somewhere along the road."

She began to question my statement, but then realized. We'd be going underwater. If blonde dude wasn't already informed of the mysterious life Holly, Yumi, and I led, he'd sure be in for a surprise.

I didn't want Holly to bring him, of course. But aside from the clichéd fact that it was dangerous for us if he knew-- those mad scientists chasing after us-- the mermaid/merman thing was something I shared specifically with Holly.

And Yumi and Carly, of course.

Yumi and I found some chairs not too far from Holly's room. We each took our seats, and I took note of Yumi's sweaty and reddened face. I was sweating too, but not nearly as bad.

I had an idea. Could I make water appear with my magic?

I closed my eyes really tightly, and concentrated, imagining the golden streams forming water on the table.

I opened my eyes, but there was nothing. Yumi looked at me, confusedly.

"What were you trying to do?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Nothing, it was stupid." I admitted. I looked down at my hands, until I heard the door click down the hall. I stood up, and Yumi copied from my side.

Holly entered the hallway with a large suitcase, and I frowned. Her luggage would get soggy, no doubt about it. Blonde dude had his own large luggage piece, and I sighed.

"Well, are we going, or not?" Holly snapped, passing us, and I hurried to catch up. I tried to cut off blonde dude, but to no avail. Yumi walked next to me in silence, when I accepted defeat.

We climbed down a staircase until we left the building in a blanket of warm air. I walked to the bus station, trying to lead everyone.

Holly didn't say a word to me, not when we entered the bus, or swapped to a train, or even were shoved next to each other in a taxi.

About halfway through the trip, I caught blonde dude's name.

"Hayden," Holly had said, then leaned forwards and whispered something in his ear.

I was relieved when I could see the ocean, and even more relieved when we got out of the cramped taxi, right onto the beach. It was some crowded tourist destination, but it was nonetheless the ocean.

"Holly," I walked over to her, Hayden attached to her hip, like usual. "We have to ditch blondey, now."

She narrowed her eyebrows, before raising them again. "We don't have to. He's one of us!" She exclaimed, almost laughing at my ignorance.

The blood drained from my head. Hayden looked over at me, his lip curled. I felt like an ant under a microscope.

Instead of staring at him, I took off towards the water, running as fast as possible into the waves. They felt good, and I swam off, passing the ocean shelf before changing.

I heard Yumi follow me immediately, then eventually Holly and Hayden.

Sure enough, Hayden was one of us. I shuddered. I guess everyone could grow a tail these days.

I made my way to the underwater village, passing large coral reefs and pods of Dolphins. I took a right at a large kelp forest, and a left over some underwater rocks.

It didn't take more than an hour before we arrived at the desolate village. I stopped in my tracks. Was it even more run-down then a remembered it?

I looked over at Holly when she swam up next to me. For a second, I noticed the old Holly in her eyes, the one who was crushed at the idea of her home so destroyed.

She leaned over for a hug, but not towards me.  She buried her face in fishy blonde dude Hayden's chest. What on earth did she see in him?

Yumi looked sad, too, but not at the village. She noticed my face, and I pretended to inspect some rocks.

I heard Hayden and Holly leave to look around, and Yumi swam up pretty close to me.

"You were in a relationship with her, huh." She said, not a question.

I nodded. She frowned and opened her mouth again. I looked over at her.

"But it's more than that, isn't it?" She looked over at me, more sad than sympathetic. "You love her."


Sooooo. I know it was like a year since I last updated (an actual update). And I know I said I was done with the story. But today, I was reading through all of the nice comments and decided that I owe it to you guys to update.

But man, I was reading previous update and there are so. Many. Plot. Holes. :/

Anyways, I want to say thank you to everyone who commented, left ideas, voted, or just gave me general support for this story!!

I came up with an ending today, so about two more chapters--if I can pump them out-- and an epilogue before the end.

I'll try really hard for you guys!!

Thank you sooooo much!

<3 Rae

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