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What had happened?

In a flash, everything came back to me. I had met my mother! She told me to stay with Ryan.. What was that supposed to mean?

I stared at Ryan, shocked. "H-how'd you do that?"

He smiled his eyes full of excitement. "I'm so happy you're alright!"

I laughed at his excitement and hugged him.

"Likewise!" I exclaimed, and made sure his tears didn't land on me. That would be awkward for the nurses to watch.

"S-so what happened?"

He gave me a rundown of what happened. "You got stabbed with that black sword and I was extremely worried." He trembled. "The magic started to take over you and I felt like I lost you. So I grabbed you and hugged you as tightly as I could and just imagined I was ridding you of the black magic. And, then, the guy literally stabbed me. I was shocked, thinking I'd die. I don't know... the creepy dude left and I layed on the ground waiting for it to take affect. And.. it didn't! I didn't even have a wound.

"You were sort of fine, like normal colored, but you were injured, so I raced back to shore. And then I wished with all my heart that I would be able to take you to the hospital. And.." He took an excited breath. "It... worked. And now-" he smiled and started whispering "-I'm human!"

"Oh, Ryan!" I hugged him really tightly from my bed yet again. "Thanks for saving my life! And I'm really happy for you!"

Wait a second. There were three--no four-- incidents seemingly involving magic. And they were all connected. 'Keep him close,' my mom had said. Ryan hadn't been affected with the dark magic. Was he the magic keeper?

No, he couldn't be. According to the man we saw, the one they currently had had passed away. But my mom said that sometimes there were two. Should I ask him to try something magical?

"Ryan," my voice dropped to a low whisper. "Remember what that man said about the magic-keeper?"

He looked puzzled but nodded.

"Here's the thing. While I was out I think that I met my mother."

He looked up at me, as if deciphering if I was lying or not.

"It's true. She told me to... to.." I looked down and blushed. "...stay close to you because you were special. And she explained about the magic-keeper."

I took a breath and tried to read his face. "I think you're him."

He looked shocked. Then laughed. "Yeah, right. You're talking to the guy who was depressed because he couldn't leave a stupid cave. I couldn't do anything 'magical' then, so why now?"

"How'd you heal yourself and me partially before the black magic got to us?"

He raised his eyebrows with a little grin. "You really believe this, don't you?"

I shrugged and nodded a little. Ow, that hurt. "Maybe you should try something magical or something."

Ryan looked, to say the least, very doubtful. "Like what?"

I raised one eyebrow. "Heal me completely. I-I mean if you want to..."

He made a motion as if rolling his sleeves up and put his hands up parallel to the wound on my chest. "Bazaam!"

I giggled. "Concentrate!" I sort of pulled the bandage of partially. Ooh. That didn't look good...

Shifting moods, he concentrated. A stream of golden light shot out of his hands and I watched in shock as it started close up, right in front of my eyes.

I'd seen a lot of strange things lately, but this was just beyond insane. I figured he would have realized this before now. And maybe some part of him did, how would I know? Either way this seemed impossible.

He opened his eyes and stared at the now closed injury. "Holy. Manatee." He was in shock. I was too. This was out of whack.

We stared at each others eyes in wonder. "Do it again!" I shouted.

"Actually, we should get out of here." He said, right of course.

"Do you think that we should go fight again?" I asked. I'd kind of fallen in love with the village and the people. I couldn't let it get destroyed.

"I think we should all just take a little break..."

I shook my head. "I'm sorry but we have to save the people!"

He started whispering again. "But I don't know if I can go underwater that deep. And without my p-power I don't know if the dark magic can be eliminated. I'm sorry, Holly, but we can't."

I gave him a pleading look. "Can we please, please just try? How'd you get on to land? You'll be able to get back off of it. I have faith in you!"

He sighed. "We'll try."

I pushed the call button next to me and asked if I could be released. After some persisting, they agreed and we raced down to the beach, I still in my hospital gown. I dove in as Ryan did too. I transformed and Ryan tried, but it appeared like he couldn't. After two more tries he finally got it, yet his tale now had golden flecks on top of the greenish blue. We raced over to the village and I almost started crying when I saw how destroyed it was.

I grabbed a random black sword and handed it to Ryan. He grabbed it tightly and focused, and the darkness left and it was replaced by pure gold. He handed it back to me and I stared at it in shock.

"Be careful!" He whispered to me and I followed him through the carnage where I saw the same creepy guy. Then my eyes caught on something he was wearing. A charm necklace, a ruby or something?

"I'm going in," I whispered.

I took my sword, and, before he even had time to react, I stabbed it right through the necklace and through his heart.

Within seconds his body disintegrated into the water.

I turned to Ryan, shocked at what I'd just done.

And then, he kissed me.


So yep. Whew.

One chapter then an epilogue. :( I'm really going to miss this story.

So Ryan is... Yep.

Please vote and fan and comment! :))

Rae <3

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