The Fight (Part One)

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I STARED AT THE CLOSED DOOR IN FRONT OF ME IN SHOCK. It must've been the wind, or something. Holly wouldn't shut me out on purpose.

"Holly?" I called. "I need to talk to you."

I heard a sigh from inside the room, but the door didn't open. Yumi stepped up beside me.

"I don't think she wants to see you," she told me quietly.

My eyes grew large. "What are we going to do, then?"

"I don't know, but I wouldn't push it. Girls talk when they're ready to, and I don't think she is." Yumi said sensibly. Of course, she was right. I shouldn't pester her, otherwise we would have less of a chance of her agreeing to help us.

I turned to leave, Yumi following behind me, when the door opened. Turning back around, I saw the blonde kid with giant glasses leaving, and Holly looking exasperated.

"What do you want, Ryan?" Holly asked me, and Yumi walked next to me, causing Holly to glare. "Come to rub something in my face?"

I frowned. "Why would I do that?"

Holly sneered, an expression I hadn't seen on her before. "It doesn't matter. You already have."

I took a step closer, so her eyes had to look up at mine. "We need to talk."

Holly looked down at her clasped hands. "What is there left to talk about? Besides, how did you find me?"

From beside me, Yumi mumbled something. I didn't look over. "The underwater village needs its princess."

"It will survive," Holly stepped back, "without me."

Holly stepped back, trying to close the door into her dorm, but I gently grabbed her hand to stop her. She looked back at me and jerked her hand away.

"Our problems aren't my fault!" Holly told me, balling her hand into a small fist. I took a small step backwards, overwhelmed by the quick gesture. Yumi looked over at me, and I smiled slightly to let her know it was okay.


Holly nodded curtly, glaring at Yumi. "You were kissing her, what was I to do?"

Oh! My mind flashed back to the day when Minako had followed me to the castle. The underwater currents that pushed her into me. I had caused some trouble, hadn't I?

"That was a misunderstanding!" I blurted out, but she looked skeptical. "Yumi's sister, Minako, was shoved into me by a current. I wasn't kissing her or anything!" I shuddered at the thought.

Holly frowned again. "Is this a lie?"

I shook my head. "I promise it isn't." I had definitely tried to never lie to her. And, I didn't. I didn't think I did, at least. Even when I first met her, in the cave with the shells, I had been mostly truthful.

"What do you want me to do for you?"


Sorry for the extremely short chapter! Part two will come up soon enough.

So, we find out why Holly was mad! Now, who's the blonde dude that was studying with her?

Thanks for so many comments, votes, and reads!!

<3 Rae

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