Soulless Army

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I GESTURED RYAN TO FOLLOW ME, AND I WENT DOWN THE SAME WAY CARLY DISAPPEARED. I swam past more cutesy restaurants and houses until I followed Carly into a dark alley. I pressed myself against the wall and motioned to stay quiet. She swam down and turned right.

"It's dark," I whispered. "I don't want to go there..."

"We have to follow," he urged, then swam after her. I rolled my eyes but followed. It was easier and more efficient to swim horizontally with my arms paddling in front of me. We flicked our powerful tails, trying to catch up with her.

Then we turned the corner. I gasped. In front of us, there was a crowd of merpeople, all with tails like Carly's. the atmosphere screamed cold. I turned to Ryan.

"What do we do?"

"I don't know," he answered honestly. "We should probably go."

He was scared? Uh oh.

One of them looked up and stared at me with glowing red eyes. A chill wracked through my body.

Holy manatee. This was just like my dream about the zombie mermaids!

I grabbed his arm. "Let's go, now."

Sensing my urgency, we bolted out of there and didn't stop until we were safely out of the village. We stopped, out of breath, and stared at each other.

"What on the seven earths was that?"

"I don't even know."

When I got home, I sat on the couch I my room and stared at the wall. I was terrified of the 'zombie' mermaids. And now that I knew Carly was one of them? What had she gotten herself into?

Was this connected to the creepy man I locked eyes with yesterday? I shuddered. Gods, he creeped me out.

Was he somehow in charge of the army? He radiated a dark sort of power, authority.

"But what can you do about it?" I asked myself. I was never brave. I couldn't march --or swim-- up to someone and...

Do what? Kill creepy-dude? I didn't even know if he created the army. Also, what were those things? Maybe the weren't evil?

I shook my head. To kidnap the most innocent girl was beyond a crime. They had to be, there wasn't any other explanation. And what were their intentions, anyway?

Usually to clear my head I'd go for a swim. But I was scared to go in the water there.

Instead, I took a bath. I submerged myself and just breathed. It was easier to breathe in salt water, of course, but water was water, right?

Through the water, I heard a small tap on the door. I went above water and tried to say that I was in here, but a bunch of water fell out of my mouth (through my lungs) and the knocker didn't hear. The air was to thin to breathe so I plunged my head underwater.

Did I lock the door? My eyes widened. My tail didn't even fit in the tub, how could it not be noticed?

Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap oh crap oh crap. A few more taps. Could I pull the shower curtain on top of me? No, it was clear. I could see my hand through it. The tub was right in front of the door, so right when--

The door opened. Kayla walked in, obviously bewildered.

"There's a fish in the bathroom?" She asked cutely. She was almost five.

I held my breath I went above the surface. I put my hand to my mouth, saying 'shhh!'

She gazed at me in wonderment. "How do you do that?"

I shrugged. The water in my lungs was decreasing. I shooed her out.

She did the 'shh' sign and left, locking the door on her way out. Whew. At least it was only Kayla. Would anyone believe her?

Probably not. I sunk below the water and sighed. Now back to my previous issue.

Even if I was scared, I had to go save Carly. I nodded underwater. That's what I would do.

I dried off really fast and transformed. I took a breath of steamy air and raced out of the bathroom.

"Holly!" Kayla ran to me.

"Hi!" I said and hugged her, her tiny body reaching up to my waist. I kneeled down.

"You'll keep my secret, right?" I asked pleadingly.

She look to the ceiling. "Well, I don't know." Innocence, of course. I laughed and ruffled her hair.

She motioned me to come closer. Then she whispered in my ear. "Doesn't the mermaid princess have to go save her best friend?"

I froze. How'd she know that?

"It looks like she does." I winked at her and she smiled. Then she walked to the door and held it open. I ran out, to my special cove along the beach. I met up with Ryan on the way to the sea-village.

He looked troubled. "It's spread."

I peeked around the corner. The whole place was shrouded in black. Everyone's tail had been turned black, lots of them with the characteristic red eyes.

"Oh. My. God."


So yep. It's a bit short :/ but it's an early update! So yay!

Guys, I'm astounded by the reads. Holy manatee. Haha. THANKS SOO MUCH!!!

Thanks! Please fan me! :D

Rae <3

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