Mishaps at the Movies

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I WOKE UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AFTERNOON. Oops. Wasn't I supposed to meet Carly for the movie?

Ryan had already gotten up and taken a shower, as I just heard a loud thunk, probably when he touched water and transformed. I hated taking them now for the same reason, but I learned to manage. Usually I just took baths.

I handed Ryan fresh clothing and shoes and told him that we'd go to a movie with my friend. He looked perplexed, but continued on.

Meanwhile, I couldn't stop thinking about who my biological parents were. Ryan needed to find his family; I needed to find mine.

I texted Carly that I'd be there right away. Not a moment later, the doorbell rang.

Ryan jumped next to me. "Is there a fire?"

I laughed and assured him no. "That's my friend Carly. I don't think I have to tell you this, but please be nice."

He agreed and I opened the door. "He-ey!" We said at the same time. Then she noticed Ryan. Her eyes widened and lips parted in a small "o".

That's who Ryan looked like! "Haha. You guys look a lot alike!"

But nobody put two and two together. "So, which movie are we watching?"

Carly shrugged, tearing herself away from Ryan's gaze. "I guess we'll decide there."

The theater was mostly empty when we got there. I bought popcorn and some candy, and split it up between the three of us. Ryan gave me a what-am-supposed-to-do-with-it look. I grinned and popped some junk food in my mouth. Mmm, butter.

We looked at the list, but the only good thing was a re-showing of the titanic. "How bout that one?" I asked. Carly agreed, but Ryan didn't know what to pick. So he agreed too. We purchased the tickets and made our way to theater number two, just in time for the opening title.

I stared at Jack and Rose frolicking around for a bit, then the ship started sinking. I could feel both Ryan and Carly go rigid next to me. At the same moment they whispered, "I'll be right back," and left.

Ten minutes later, they still weren't back. I got up and went to the front to find them happily chatting with each other.

Holy cow. They looked exactly alike.

"Hey guys, why didn't you come back to the movie?"

Their expressions turned slightly somber. "Bad memories." It was really creepy when they talked together like that...

"What did you say your name was again?" Ryan asked, a little cautiously.

"Carly. It's.. uh.. short for Carlene."

"Did you, by any chance, used to have a twin?" He asked hopefully, looking ready to be crestfallen.

"Uh.. yeah. Long ago... But he died."

"No he didn't," Ryan took a deep breath. "I-I'm right here."

Carly looked him right in the eyes and instantly started sobbing. They hugged each other. I just hoped that her tears wouldn't fall onto him, then we'd have a LOT more to explain.

"I can't believe it, Ryan!!" She shouted, still sobbing. "But how did you survive the wreck?"

He tightened his hand around the shell. "I'll explain later."

I just stood there in shock, watching them. Had I reunited long lost twins? I could check that off of my list.

They spent forever talking. Ryan had to make up stories so that nothing would be revealed. He should probably eventually tell her though.

We were still there, and the theater was about to close. I wasn't too bitter. I was happy for them! But I felt like a third wheel. I stared out the window, and saw clouds roll in. Oh no. If Ryan or I touched a single drop of the rain water, we'd pretty much be toast.

"Do you guys want to go get hot cocoa or something?" I asked them, giving Ryan a we-had-better-otherwise-we-were-in trouble look. Those were my favorite.

"Actually, we should probably head home before the rain hits." Carly said and my stomach flipped.

Ryan obviously-thank goodness- saw the danger here. "Actually I don't feel the best, can we stay here awhile?"

Carly gave us scrutinizing looks. "There's something you're not telling me!" She sighed. "What, allergic to the rain? C'mon guys. I've known you, Holly, forever. And Ryan! We've just been reunited. I can't believe you're doing this to me!" She exclaimed, then stomped away.

"I'm sorry Ryan," I sighed. "That's human drama, you know?"

"Stop treating me like I'm not a human!" He almost yelled, scaring me. Ryan NEVER yelled. "I once was, and I appreciate the help but seriously? I can manage."

He gripped his shell looser, daring it to fall on the ground.

"Ryan, I-I didn't mean to insult you." I said, not even able to make eye contact with him.

"Well, you've done enough." With that, he turned on his heel in the direction of Carly.

"God, Ryan!" I stamped my foot impatiently.

The rain wouldn't let up. It wasn't rain anymore. It was a torrential downpour! I checked my phone. The mall would close in about thirty minutes, meaning it was nine thirty. Oops.

I sent my dad a message, explaining the situation. He replied, saying that he was at a meeting and was terribly sorry.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. Maybe I'd find an umbrella, because if I didn't, then I'd be in major trouble. I went down the escalator to the cheapest store there. I purchased three umbrellas and two giant rain ponchos. I hoped those would be enough. I facepalmed myself for not bringing something, just in case.

"Where're your friends, dearie?" The old lady clerk asked me, ringing the items.

"I'm not sure if they are anymore." I said, sadly.

"Aww." She said, looking up. "I'm sure they'll come around."

I smiled. "Thanks."

I took my bag and left. I needed to find them, and start the walk home. This would be insane. In fact, I'd already considered spending the night, but I wasn't sure how to do it without getting caught. I sighed, and started searching for the other two.

It took about five minutes to find them, sitting angrily at a table in Starbucks. I sighed again and sat by them. They both glared at me. It was almost funny, how much they looked alike. "Guys, I'm sorry. I just didn't know what to do!" I apologized again. "But we need to get home. I don't know how, but we need to soon! The mall's going to close. The rain won't stop, and I'm freaking out!"

Carly rolled her eyes. "You used to love the rain! What happened to that?" She practically shouted.

Never in my life had she been mad. And Ryan didn't seem like the type to pick a fight.

I thrust the ponchos and umbrellas at them. "Here. We should go now."

They left the building grudgingly, while I walked behind them. The rain was making my uneasy. Just one drop on Ryan or I, we'd be experimented on.

The drop seemed to fall in slow motion, and I watched helplessly, screaming at Ryan to back away. But no. I saw it right on his pinky finger, the satisfying splat it made. My eyes widened. Oh my god.

He flopped to the ground, hitting his head on the sidewalk. His tail and all.

Carly stared in disbelief. "You're both FREAKS!"


Whoa whoa whoa, Carly! Stop over reacting!

Anyways. Sorry for taking a day longer, this is the longest chapter I've written here so far (I think?).

I can't tell you all how happy I am to see the amount of reads! Like what!!! Almost 60??? This story was put up like five days ago. I only expected two.

So it would mean the whole universe to me if you continue reading! I'll try to post the next chapter tomorrow.

Hats off to all of you.

Rae <3

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