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Lindsey's POV


I woke up at 4:00 in the morning. This is it. I was running away.

I couldn't wake up Shawn. It would be hard to explain. I guess I'll leave him a note.

Dear Shawn,

I'll be GONE (a/n don't read this in all caps it's just the title reference OML) before you wake up. I'll give you some explanation. You will never be able to contact me nor speak to me ever again. My identity will be changed and I will be moving somewhere else. No it's not because of you or that I don't love you. This is not in my control. No one else knows what is happening but but my mom and dad. Don't come looking for me. I just don't want for ANYONE to be involved with my situation. I love you so much and I promise one day we will meet again. Take a piece of my heart and make it all your own. So when we are apart you'll never be alone (a/n I know, I know.)

Love, Lindsey (aka love bug, your princess ;))


After I put all of my luggage in my car with my parents I was ready to go.

Shit. I forgot my phone.


Shawn's POV

I woke up feeling thirsty.

Then I noticed Lindsey wasn't next to me. She must have went home I guess.

While I was going downstairs for a drink of water I saw Lindsey walking out the door.

"Hey love bug why are you leaving this late?" I said.

"I was grounded so I have to get back before my parents notice I was gone." she said with tears brimming her eyes.

"What's wrong princess?" I said whilst running to her and hugging her, putting her head on my chest.

"Nothing. Hormones I guess. I'm PMSing." she said laughing.

"EW!" I said screaming while moving away from her.

"Tell me something I don't know." she said, slowing down her laughter.

"Haha. Bye princess."

"Hey Shawn?"

"I just said bye but hey I guess"

"Haha. I love you Shawn. More than you know muffin man." she said.

"ILYT" I said.

She chuckled and then opened the door and left.

"I can't wait to see her beautiful face tomorrow." I said to myself.



Aye this is my first story so it is probably gonna be iffy. And I got some ideas from this one fanfic but it is literally just one thing so don't get butthurt.


~Piper :)

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