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Sorry this is a lil messy lol


Shawn's POV

I kissed her. 

It felt great, I felt fireworks.

But then I remembered Lindsey. I just couldn't do that.

Ever since the kiss I haven't been to school. I keep telling my "family" that I don't feel good but in reality I've been crying in bed for the past 3 days because I miss Lindsey.

I know she wouldn't want me to do this but it's not my fault I miss the love of my life.

Just then I got a call from Violet. She keeps calling me. I wouldn't blame her. I feel bad. I'll pick it up later. She doesn't deserve to be left unanswered.


Hours past and I needed someone to tell my problems too. I guess I will tell Violet first, since my problem is the reason I didn't keep kissing her.

Right on cue, she called me.

"Oh god Shawn you picked up," she said to me feeling pretty excited.

"Hey," I sniffled.

"What's wrong? Why haven't you been coming to school?" she asked me worriedly.

"That's why I picked up. Can you come over?"

"Of course. On my way," she said quickly. I could basically HEAR her smiling through the phone.

"Okay bye Vye."


A couple minutes later I got a knock on my door.

As I opened the door and I saw Violet in comfy clothes (Picture above). And I saw her American Apparel underwear (did that on purpose haha) and knowing Violet she would always have a Calvin Klein bra on. Don't get any ideas I know that because she shares tmi.

(A/N: As long as you love me just came on yes please.)

"Hey," she said and she gave me a big hug.

"Follow me," I told her with a sad face. She had a confused face and was opening her mouth to speak but then decided not to.

I walked her up to my room holding my hand and we both plopped on the bed. I lied down and she sat down looking down one me. She is so cute.

"So what did you bring me over to talk about Mendes?" she said after some awkward silence.

"Okay so I never told you this. But I had a bad relationship with my first and only love," I told her, holding her hand over my chest. 

She shifted uncomfortably and her grin faded. After a second she replied with "Go on," really awkwardly. Aw. She's jealous.

"And she told me she was going to her parents' house at around 4:30. The next morning I went to make some breakfast and on the counter was a note telling her that she had to leave and I couldn't talk to her and that she did this under her free will. She said one day we will meet again."

"And Vye," I continued."I didn't leave you after that kiss because I didn't like it, it just reminded me so much about my love bu- about her. You look exactly like her. And the way we kissed felt the exact same when my ex kissed me." 

"And now I have heartache because I miss her too much. She said we would meet one day. She is probably lying but something tells me that she is close."

"Shawn, I know," she said while sighing.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I know why she left you. I have her in touch with me," she said.

Wait, what. She didn't even know a Violet.

"Violet, tell me her number.. or-or SOMETHING!" I said hyperventilating.

I watched her as she went to the bathroom.


"Wait a second Mendes," she said while sniffling.

I kept my manners and waited. I couldn't snap or she wouldn't tell me.

"Shawn leave your phone on the floor of the bathroom. Don't look at me when you do," she yelled. That woman is a bit crazy.

I did as I was told and I stood outside the door. 

"I am typing in her number. Be prepared when I do," she said. She sounded like she was shaking.


Violet's POV

I called the number. Which was my number. 

Yeah,  I'm Lindsey. 

I didn't know Shawn was going to be at the new school.

I'm not going to tell you why I left him yet. I'm telling Shawn so just follow along with me.

I heard the phone ring and I heard Shawn mumble "What the hell," and pounded on the door asking for me to come out. Saying I was horrible for this sick joke.

As I opened the door, his eyes widened. 


Shawn's POV

There standing right in front of me, 

was Lindsey Faith J-Well.


Y'all are gonna have to wait to see what happens next sowwy.


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