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(above is Violet's outfit)


Shawn's POV

A few months have gone past and it has been pretty good for the most part. My best friends are Violet, Lavender, Ben, and Cole. 

It's kind of a mess. Ben and Cole both like Violet. Well, more than like. I like her too. But she doesn't deserve someone who will just complain about my ex. 

And if you are wondering about the guy who was trying to get Violet's number. He's still trying. His name is Austin. He's a tool. Violet gave up and told him her number and he keeps trying to get her to be his girlfriend.

People say that we are now the popular crowd because we aren't mean. But recently people have been bullying and harassing Lavender but mostly Violet. No one knows about Violet's harassment or bullying though because she hasn't told anybody yet. I just went through her phone finding people saying they wan't to get her and she get's cyber bullied.

Today when I got home from school I got texts from multiple people saying there is going to be a bonfire tomorrow night at a kid named Nick. I know him. We aren't huge friends but he knows my friends so we're cool.

Oh crap, you're supposed to bring a date.

I suddenly got a bunch of texts from girls asking for me to be their date. I said no to all of them. I heard Violet turned down the boys. So Ben is going with Lavender. Cole is going with some chick named Madison. She's pretty but she's a slut. Cole could do better.

Well, might as well try to ask Violet. I'll ask her tomorrow at school.


I decided to wear a black leather jacket with a grey heather t-shirt with some black jeans and my usual hair in a quiff. I wanted to look nice.

I met with Cole, Ben, Lavender, and Violet as usual, in front of the school. 

Violet had a denim jacket on with a white boyfriend shirt that had nothing on it with skinny jeans and some white converse. She looked really good.

"Hey Violet?" I asked her.

"Heywassuphello Mendes" she said while laughing.

"Do you want to go to the bonfire tonight with me?" I asked.

"Yeah sure Mendes" she  said. She was blushing a little, which made me blush.

"Really Vye? You say yes to muffin boy and not us?" Cole said while laughing.

"Shut up." She said when she hit him on the arm.

"Yeah. I'm a muffin MAN." I said in a duh-tone. 

Everyone laughed and we went to our first hour.


By lunch hour everyone knew me and Violet were going together. 

Some girls got jealous of Violet and called her rude names as they walked past her. Every time she would just stare at them and say "I like your shoes!" or something. She is so gorgeous and graceful. Usually someone would reply with another mean name but Violet is just nice.

(A/N im watching camp rock 2 and its getting me turnt)

Violet and Lavender went home together. Probably to pick outfits and get ready together and all of that.

Ben and Cole came over so they could tell me what to say. They know I like her and they know I'm nervous around her. 

"Hey Vye" I said to Cole in a wig.

"I'm sorry Shawn. Go away. I'm too cool for you." Cole said with a sassy tone.

"Cole you're trying to help me!" I said.

"Sorry man, I have to go." He said.

"Same. I have to get ready for the bonfire. Good luck Shawn." Ben told me.

Great. I'm going to be embarrassed in front of Violet.


Violet's POV

I decided to put the past behind me and start over with Shawn.

I decided to put on a maroon crop top with longer sleeves with some high waisted shorts. I also curled my long hair and my makeup was simple.

Lavender dropped us off at the bonfire and I saw Shawn talking to Cole and Ben and their dates. Shawn looked at me and waved. God I love this boy.

Shawn  ran up to me and Ben came running up to Cole.

"Hey" they both said at the same time. We all laughed and went to the drinks. 

After a few drinks we were all pretty drunk.

I decided to go to the bathroom to freshen up I guess. But I got stopped by Nick and ugh, Austin.

"Hey Nick! Wassup Austin. And no I don't like you hehe." I said pretty drunk.

"Come with us Violet" they said in unison. 

"Hehe okayyy" I said as I twirled.

They led me to behind the building.


oooh cliffhanger


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