17 | Argentum

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Argentum {Silver}

There was a loud whistle that echoed through the hallways. Arya almost fell of the bed when she heard the sound. She had been mediating inside the room for quite some time because she didn't know whether she was allowed to be outside and the flamboyant noise had scared her the peaceful moment she was absorbed in.

Arya trotted on the cold floor before she opened the door to see Mililani standing there. Many of the other girls and boys had come out as well and it was apparent that most of them had been sleeping as their eyes were barley open and their hair seemed to be in different directions.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Princess Zelie and Prince Zander request your presence within the next half hour for breakfast. It will be taking place in the same room you had your dinner in." Her sharp gaze turned on everyone in the vicinity. "Lateness will not be tolerated."

There were grumbles as many of the girls and boys went back into their rooms getting prepared for breakfast. Since Arya had been up for a while now, she decided to take this time and explore the inside of the castle. She slipped on leather shoes and hung place Anaz on her waist. Yesterday she had felt incredibly bizarre without the sword so she made sure to take it this time.

She walked through the halls of the palace marveling over the paintings and the intricate designs of the hallways and the massive arches. Lost in her thoughts Arya didn't notice that she had bumped into someone until she heard the low 'ouch.'

Glancing upwards Arya was surprised to see that it was Silvia. However the latter looked extremely overjoyed.

"I was looking for you! Where were you the entire time?" she asked.

Arya shrugged her shoulder, "just walking around the palace."

Silvia grabbed her hand and tugged on it. "Come on, we have to hurry breakfast is about to begin."

Arya's eyes widened before she began rushing alongside Silvia. When they arrived in the room, Princess Zelie and Prince Zander had already been seated while the rest of the students seemed to be pooling into the room.

Lady Zelie raised her seafoam eyes to look across the room when they met Arya's Aztec ones. She motioned towards the seat next to her and Arya nodded.

"Listen, I have to go." She said to Silvia a bit apologetically.

Silvia merely smiled although it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I understand, I'll just look for Yasmin."

Arya bit back her tongue. She wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. Before she could open her mouth Silvia had turned her back leaving Arya alone. Isn't this what she wanted from the beginning? To be left alone? Then why did it pain her so much that Silvia wasn't around her anymore. Sure she had slowly been accustomed to her presence but it should have never affected her this much.

Arya shook her head before taking a seat beside Lady Zelie. It was right in the middle of the table while across from table Prince Zander was seated with Aaron by his side. When everyone took their seats and breakfast had begun, Princess Zelie stood up to talk to everyone.

"I hope lodging is satisfactory," she began after brushing her pale pink gown. "As you all know the Heres Gladii is set to begin tomorrow. We," she pointed to herself and Prince Zander, "want to clarify the schedule so everyone knows what is going on."

The table listened politely. "Tonight is going to be the aperiens pila which is the opening ball. Competitors from both academies will be paired up. You will descend a stairway where people will greet you before lining up with all the other competitors. This dance is an introduction for all the competitors and many royals from all over the place will be in attendance." Lady Zelie finished.

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