03 | Stalagmium

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Stalagmium {A pendant}

"As many of you were expecting from this gathering, I am here to share the news I told you about a few days ago." Zelie said as her seafoam eyes glanced around the room not landing anywhere particular, only giving the entire room a once over.

Arya and the teachers that stood at the side knew what she was going to be talking about. The student however, did not. Arya arched her back in the chair making sure her posture remained the same as she let her mind wander. The most foolish mistake someone could make when trying to pretend that they were listen was slumping. Arya didn't want to disrespect Zelie but she couldn't be bothered with listening to the same thing twice. Arya was pretty sure that Zelie knew that she wasn't listening since her gaze had landed on her more than once.

"You will be receiving scrolls from your teachers if you are eligible for the competitions. The maximum number of competitions for which you can be entered into are three. This is to ensure that everyone gets a chance."

Arya made sure to listen to the next part because these were things that Zelie had not told her. Obviously Arya had known that not everyone would be able to compete because Zelie had said the competition was for the best of the best, the cream of the crops. What she had not talked about was how they would be chosen. It made sense to have the teachers choose since they would have the best understanding about the students that they taught.

"The competition categories are: Archery, Kalvarian History, Equestrianism, Herbs and Healing, and the main event a dueling tournament between students of both schools. The winner will be presented with Sir Lancelot's sword as well as a banquet in their name." Zelie said.

So those were the categories. That must mean that the Narvanian Academy offered the same courses. It made sense as she was sure that the boy's academy would not have had embroidery, or penmanship. She of course found these courses useless, especially embroidery but Narvian Academy offered them for the ladies and princess that came from outside Kalvaria. Surely the people that sent them would expect them to be proper ladies as they returned. Unfortunately, Lady Zelie wanted balanced students so she made the all warriors take one of the princesses' courses and vice versa.

"If you don't get chosen, it's not the end of the world." Zelie said gently. "Although I do want to remind you that you can be replaced by someone else if you are not performing up to par. I only want the hardworking and high achieving students. I'm sure that Zander will be doing the same and I want the Narvian Academy to demolish his students."

Arya could visible see the girls around her perking up. It seemed that the girls were more interested then they were letting on. She was certain that Zelie would assemble the best team possible. She hated loosing and nothing could be worse than losing to her twin, Zander.

Zelie glanced at the wooden clock before looking at the students. "I know I have been speaking for a longer period of time but we're almost done, so bear with me."

Everyone became silent and the tone of her voice. Not only was she their headmistress, but also a member of the royal family who had the power and strength to kill you herself.

"There is going to be an addition to your courses." Zelie glanced at the teachers before gesturing towards Madame Annie. "Madame Annie will now also teach you all to dance. There will be a masquerade ball at the beginning of the Heres Gladii and I don't want you stumbling around like idiots."

Arya didn't know what to think of this new development. She had never danced in her entire life and she was pretty sure she wasn't going to be good at it. Madame Annie taught embroidery to the girls and she didn't particular like Arya's work. Well, if that's what one called it. Arya might be able to wield a sword, but she wasn't able to poke a needle through a cloth which is why Madame Annie didn't like her very much.

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