25 | Impetus

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Impetus {attack} 

"Are you ready?" Lady Zelie asked Arya gently shaking her from her thoughts.

Arya had been sitting inside a room waiting to be let out into the stadium. Madame Kenna and Lady Zelie were both with her, offering her last minute pointers and advice.

"Of course she is ready." Madame Kenna said haughtily.

Truth be told, Arya was not sure if she was ready or not. It was going to be a tough battle and she could feel the weight of the academies pride on her shoulders. It was up to her now, to bring home the sword.

As if sensing her emotions Lady Zelie placed her hand on Arya's shoulder comfortingly, "You'll be fine. I'm sure of it." She pointed towards the pendant on Arya's neck. "After all, you essentially carry a piece of me with you. If you ever get nervous remember that I am there."

A light knock interrupted the three of them as Madame Kenna called out, "Come in."

The door creaked open and Lady Vivian stepped in. She was dressed in her royal blue uniform and her light brown hair had been pulled into a tight bun. She curtsied to Lady Zelie and gave Madame Kenna a nod. Her gaze then turned to Arya, "It' time." She said.

Arya took in a deep breath trying to erase her nervousness. She got up from her seat and gripped Anaz's pommel tightly. With one last glance towards Lady Zelie and Madame Kenna, Arya left the room to step into the packed stadium.

If Arya had thought the stadium had been packed during the knight's match, she had been extremely wrong. It seemed that hundreds of more people had been packed into the stadium that before. Arya got barely make out anyone in the audience but her eye was clearly trained on the man standing in front of her.

Aaron was dressed in very similar clothing as Arya but the color of the tunic was different for the both of them. He seemed at ease but Arya knew behind that mask, he was here to win just like her.

"Champions, would you please meet in the middle." Sir Samuel asked the two of them.

He was wearing his full military attire and his faced looked stony enough to display his authority. Arya and Aaron both walked a few steps forward so that they were both standing directly in front of each other. They both bowed to one another-a sign to show the respect that they had for one another. It was customary for knights to bow before the battle would commence and Arya and Aaron were merely keeping up the tradition.

"The rules for the final match of the Heres Gladii differ from the rest of the tournament." Sir Samuel began. "To begin with, you are allowed to draw blood. What will not be allowed per usual are deathly blows such as to the heart, or the neck. The first person to fall down, or forfeit naturally looses, while the other person is crowed the victory."

Arya and Aaron both nodded their heads to indicate that they had understood the rules. Sir Samuel looked up at the King waiting for his sign of approval. Once the King raised his hand, Sir Samuel waved down the flag indicating the start of the battle.

Arya unsheathed Anaz and she saw Aaron doing the same with his sword. Aaron didn't waste a millisecond after that as he dove towards Arya. She was ready for his attack and she used her sword as a shield. The two swords clanked loudly as metal met with metal. Aaron was trying to press the weight of his sword against her to but, Arya firmly rooted her feet into the ground to prevent that from happening.

After witnessing that his tactic was not working, Aaron move back which gave Arya an opening. She launched her own attack flying at his left and right. Aaron blocked all her moves with ease. It was as if they were able to read each other's minds without even trying.

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