20 | Lacus

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Lacus {lake}

Arya slipped on her tunic and trousers before she strapped Anaz to her side. The sun was still hidden as it was a bit earlier than dawn. Arya trotted softly across her room and pulled on a leather jacket over the clothes. She knew it would be a bit chiller today after she had inspected the flowers blowing softly in the gardens. She opened the room door making sure that it didn't make a squeak before exiting from the hallway and making her way towards the palace gates.

When she arrived at the palace gates the guards will still standing ever present and surprisingly wide awake. They greeted Arya and she replied in the return. As soon as Arya left the palace, a gentle breeze made its way towards her making her shiver. It was pretty cold out here. She strode quickly towards the stables hoping to get a ride on Eclipse before the morning activities would begin.

As Arya opened the stables she saw another light inside as well. Her curiosity perking up, she opened the doors wider hoping to see who was awake as early as her. His back was facing her but the blond hair was unmistakable, it was Aaron.

Arya was about to take a step forward when Aaron turned around. The surprise was clearly etched on his face as well. For a minute they both starred at each other and nobody spoke.

Then Aaron cleared his throat, "What are you doing here?" He asked.

Arya made her way to Eclipse before petting the horse. "I was hoping to get a ride on Eclipse as well as practice."

Aaron nodded. He saddled his own horse before motioning towards Arya. "Come on, I'll show you something."

Arya was hesitant to do what he said. She could either follow him to the unknown or getting the training she need to do. She chose the former and hopped onto Eclipse. Aaron led the way and Arya followed him is silence wondering where they were going.

It took a while but it seemed that they had arrived at their destination. Aaron dismounted his horse and Arya imitated his actions. He then pointed towards a path and Arya followed him unaware of what she would be seeing.

Aaron led them through the path and Arya was surprised to see the amount of different species in the area. She had seen rabbits and other creatures passing by as well. Finally, Aaron pointed towards a clearing and Arya followed him to see what lie ahead.

The scene took Arya's breath away. It was a beautiful lake with the most gorgeous shades of blue. The lake was tinted orange, pastel and other light colors due to the skies. The reflections of the mountains were present as well, indicating what lay on the other side.

"It's breathtakingly beautiful," Arya said her eyes still on the lake trying to absorb every bit that she could.

Aaron had his eyes closed when he spoke, "Its named sepultusque cordis which translates to buried heart from Latin."

Arya repeated the name as it rolled over her tongue smoothly and the lake moved gently as if responding to Arya's call.

"Why is it called that?" she asked.

"When the neighbouring kingdoms decided to attack Kalvaria, bloodshed was everywhere. The only place that had been spared was this lake. It was hidden extremely well and some say that it buried itself from the intruders. When the war was over, many came here to mourn and reflect on their heartbreak, thus it got the name buried heart." Aaron concluded.

Arya nodded still in awe. She couldn't believe her eyes but now hearing the story made it more real. It was a special place in Kalvaria and she was sure only so few knew of the story. Arya sat down on the ground and she could feel the wetness of the grass beneath her due to morning dew. She crossed her legs and opened her mind to the surroundings. She ignored the presence of Aaron and instead focused on the nature around her.

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