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{Epilogus} Epilogue 

There was a light tap on the door as Arya called out, "Come in."

She had not been expecting anyone this early in the morning. If she was being completely honest, the only reason she was awake at this ungodly hour was the fact that King Zander had requested a report of the Zelie Academy but both she and Aaron had been very busy the last few days to fulfill his request. Yesterday, she and Aaron had both received a very annoyed letter from the King himself and Aaron had asked Arya to finish the progress report.

Although Arya had not wanted to do it, Aaron promised he would take care of the next ten reports that needed to be answered so Arya had readily agreed. When Arya and Aaron had both taken the spot of Headmaster and Headmistress at the newly formed Zelie Academy, neither of them had realized how much paper work would be involved.

"Lady Arya, this arrived in the mail for you," One of her guards, a newly crowned knight named Julian spoke.

Arya took the letter and dismissed him. Although she had argued with King Zander about not needing a guard, he had told her it was more so practice for the knight himself then her. He told her he wanted the boy to learn to be a better swordsman and there was nobody better to teach him than Arya herself. Arya  begrudgingly agreed to train him but not without making the knight suffer.

She paused from the middle of her report to open the envelope and a letter spilled out. She picked up it and from the familiar loopy handwriting, Arya knew that it was from Yasmin.

Dear Arya, it read.

Life has been crazy here as usual. One of my cousins is getting married so we have all be preparing for her wedding. Let me tell you something, Arabian weddings are insane, the number of clan members that have arrived so far is preposterous. 

Although I love it here, I miss Kalvaria so much sometimes. What would I be doing if I was there? Would I be teaching at the academy? I missed fighting so much that I took it upon myself to teach the little children how to fight. They seemed so excited to learn but before I could continue further, my uncle came and took away all the swords.

I was fuming! Although he did come back later and give me sticks to use in my lessons so the children would not get hurt. It was actually very thoughtful of him.

I miss you a lot and maybe I'll be able to visit you next month if I beg my parents. Write to me soon.



Arya folded the letter with a smile. The two of them had not talk for about six months after Lady Zelie's death. Then one day, Yasmin had mysteriously chosen to arrive at Arya's residents and beg for forgiveness. She had been crying and Arya had let her inside before making some tea to make her feel better.

Yasmin had apologized for her behaviour before confession that she was having a difficult time sleeping and remaining in Kalvaria. There was just something about her confession that had been so honest which had also promoted Arya to reveal her own troubles. The two of them had sat together talking about the good times and Arya had enjoyed it. She had not gotten a moment to talk to someone besides Aaron and there was just something different talking about a girl.

At the end of their conversation, Yasmin had also confessed that she was going back home to Egypt. She had told Arya she missed her family and Kalvaria had reminded her of the many deaths of her friends. Arya had made her a promise to write to her and since then, the two of them exchanged letters back in forth for the last seven years writing what had occurred in their lives.

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