31 | Oscula

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Oscula {kiss}

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When Arya awoke the next morning it took her a while to remember where she was. The sun was glistening from behind the mountains making the snow sparkle in the light. It looked as though there were thousands of diamonds scattered across the city. There was a light knock on the door and Arya already knew who would be on the other side.

"Just give me ten minutes and I'll join you." she said from inside the room.

Arya quickly changed into a warmer pair of clothes before washing her face and making herself look more presentable. She decided to braid her midnight blue hair and secured it with a pin. Grabbing the sheath that held Anaz, she joined Aaron outside.

He eyed her sword warily, "Early morning training in the cold?"

Arya shook her head. "I'm pretty sure there is a separate room or we could just practice in the stables."

Aaron nodded, "Lead the way."

Arya started looking for a place that would be ideal for them to practice in. All of the rooms remained empty but they had been locked so they could not practice there. Arya asked the innkeeper if he had a room big enough for training and the burly man looked surprise but gave them what they had wished for.

A few minutes later the two of them were standing opposite to one another with their swords drawn out.

"First person to get tapped by the sword loses?" Aaron confirmed.

Arya nodding indicating that she was fine with it. Aaron started the attack as he tried slashing her mid-thigh but Arya held her ground and blocked it with her own sword. They stayed gritted in the position before Arya leaped back allowing Aaron's sword to fall towards the ground. She launched her attack, near his stomach but he managed to block it as the last minute.

For the next few minutes, the two of them tried getting the upper hand on one another but it seemed that it was going nowhere. In a desperate attempt, Aaron feigned an attack to her left but attacked her right. Arya would have caught the move if she didn't hear the creaking of the door.

As she turned around, Aaron tapped her shoulders and whispered in her ears, "I win."

Arya was glaring at the person who entered through the door. They had thrown off her concentration since everything was making her jumpy these days. The inn keeper had returned with a sheepish grin on his face.

"Breakfast is ready if you would like some." he said.

"Thank you, we'll be right there." Aaron replied politely.

He then left the room without giving Arya a second glance. Arya was left to trail behind him with a sour look on her face. She slipped into the chair across Aaron with a frown. He was grinning and although he looked more handsome, Arya could not be more annoyed.

"You cheated." She said glancing at him suspiciously.

"No," Aaron said taking a bite of the breakfast before replying. "You got distracted."

"That was not a fair match and you know it." 

"It was and you know it." Aaron retaliated. 

The corners of his mouth continued to remain upturned no matter what Arya said.

"If we have a rematch, I'm sure you will be defeated."

Aaron shrugged his shoulders. "We shall see when it comes to that."

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