37 | Quod

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Quod {to fit in a specific place or environment} 

When Arya woke she immediately rubbed her neck. She had fallen asleep with Aaron on the cold hard ground while the two of them had been talking. Her muscles were sore due to the fact that she hadn't been able to get enough sleep in the correct position. Arya got up and stretched as much as she could.

Then, she gently placed Aaron on the ground and covered him with the blanket that had mysteriously appeared over their bodies. She got a good look at him. He was sound asleep and snoring a little and it made a soft smile appear on her face.

They had stayed up late yesterday talking about his father and life soon after his departure. Aaron had told Arya that after his father's death, he had been taken under the wing of Prince Zander and a few months later they had left the palace to start building the Narvanian Academy.

She stepped away from him body and glanced around the silent camp. Most the knights were still sleeping but Arya was wide awake now. She took this time to finally explore the camp layout. She had gotten brief glimpses but the camp was so crowded it was nearly impossible to see the place clearly.

Arya walked at the edge of the camp border and she stared ahead. The army would be coming soon; it was only a matter of time. In a few days the silent place of Monique would be transformed into a place of bloodshed. Arya's eyes might have been deceiving her but she thought she saw a figure in the corner of her eyes.

She remained rooted in her spot to see if there was actually someone approaching the camp or if she had started hallucinating because of the lack of sleep. Five minutes later Arya saw another glimmer in the distance and this time she knew that she had seen someone coming closer. After another ten minutes of waiting Arya saw a dapple grey horse and a rider that sat on top of it.

Since the rider was not wearing distinct colors Arya was unsure if he was a member of the Kalvarian Army or someone from the enemies ranks. She drew her sword and waited for the rider to approach.

The rider came to a halt before Arya and he jumped of his sword to approach her. The man was swaying on his feet and for the first time Arya noticed a deep red stain on his thigh. The man noticed Arya and he went into his pocket to withdraw a scroll and held it out to her.

"Give this to Sir Samuel..." he muttered before his eyes began to shut and he slipped towards the ground.

Arya ran forward and tried to catch the man but she failed. His body slipped to the ground. The first thing Arya did was search for a pulse, his heart was still beating. She tried shaking his body, "Come on, wake up." She muttered under her breath.

The man did not awake. Arya then noticed a stench that followed his as well. Fear course through her body as she realized what had happen to him.

He had been poisoned.

Arya was sure she would not be able to haul his body to the medics so she began screaming for help. Her voice was hoarse of screaming when she finally saw a figure approaching her. She waved her hands wildly motioning for them to quicken their pace. It was Sir Udo and he looked quite surprised to see her and the man but he snapped into action quickly.

"Does he have a pulse?"

Arya nodded. "He's breathing but his left leg had been injured and I'm pretty sure he's been poisoned.

Sir Udo glanced at the man's features before he placed a hand on his forehead. "He's burning up, he needs a healer."

Arya almost wanted to roll her eyes at his comments. Of course he needed a healer. Anyone with a pair of eyes could see that. It was the main reason she had called for help.

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