Thank You

2.9K 203 38

Thank you for helping this book reach 10k reads, 1.2k votes, and over 860 comments! It's insane. This is the book that I had been planning for quite some time but I would always stop myself from writing it since I wanted to finish FTNCT. As soon as I completed that book, a couple of days later I began writing Heir of the sword. Believe or not, this story is 144,150 words and 335 pages on word document, that's larger than the third Harry Potter book! Surprisingly, I was able to finish writing it within a year and it truly allowed me to learn how fast I could write and come up with ideas.

Believe me this book was difficult to write sometimes especially the research that went into it. It feels weird that Arya and Aaron's story has come to a close but thank you for sticking with me all the way through the end. This book might not have that many votes or reads, but it has loyal readers, you; the people who stick around for every chapter and encourage me to continue. I would like to thank all of you, especially WolfishGamer who helped with the editing process. Thank you for letting this story hit #149 on the Wattpad What's Hot list. I hope you all continue to support me in other projects!

If you liked this book check out some of my other stories available on my profile: The Forgotten Duchess, C-Suite, and Figuring it Out.

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