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‘Madison dear,’ Rachael called out to her daughter.

‘Yes mama.’

‘I would like you and Sarah to meet his lordship, Earl Rankin Swain.’

‘My lord good evening,’ Madison cast a furtive glance at the blonde gentleman.  She found herself looking into appreciative emerald green eyes.

‘Good evening Lady Madison,’ Lord Rankin bowed profusely.

‘My lord, may I present my cousin Lady Sarah.’

‘Such charming ladies,’ Rankin smiled.  ‘May I request a space on your dance cards,’ he enquired of Madison.

‘Oh her card is full,’ a voice spoke loudly from behind Madison.  Everybody turned around to look at the well dressed gentleman who had spoken.  Madison squirmed uncomfortably.  Her cheeks were a bright hue of pink.

‘Rochester, good evening,’ the earl greeted Chadwick, who bowed and extended his hand in greeting.

‘Actually my lord,’ Madison addressed Rankin, ‘I have saved a space for you.’

‘’I dare say you are lucky to be rewarded with a dance,’ Chadwick waved his glass at Rankin.  ‘Some of us other mere mortals were not so lucky.   Good evening ladies and gentlemen.’  Chadwick took his leave.

‘What on earth is the matter with Mr. Rochester?’ Diana asked.

‘I do not know mama.  He has not asked us to dance,’ Sarah spoke.

‘Such a strange fellow,’ Rachael added.  Madison remained quiet as the rest of her family discussed Chadwick Rochester.

‘I wish he would have asked me to dance,’ Sarah whispered into Madison’s ear.

‘Shall we have that dance then?’ Rankin offered his arm to Madison, before she had the opportunity to respond to Sarah.

‘Certainly my lord,’ Madison accepted his arm.  They danced around the room, Rankin was a superb dancer.  He moved gracefully around the floor for one of his age.  He must be around eight and twenty.  Madison smiled politely as her eyes met Rankin’s.   She turned her eyes to the other couples around the dance floor.  Everybody was in good spirits.  Ladies laughed at the humorous comments their partners made, even if it was not all that amusing.   The gentlemen were most polite and complimentary  to the ladies they partnered, telling them how beautiful they looked, and how stunning their gowns were, even if they exaggerated the truth a little just to win the favour of the ladies.

‘Will you do me the honour of riding with me tomorrow morning Lady Madison?’ Rankin invited.

‘Could we ride at about five in the evening my lord?  I do love Hyde Park at that time of the afternoon,’ she smiled.

‘Certainly, that will be excellent,’ he agreed before returning Madison to where her family were.  Madison had danced two dances with Rankin, before she rested near the balcony, not too far from her mama and her aunt Diana.  She smiled as she saw Sarah being twirled around by one of the young gentlemen.

‘Am I too ugly and too poor, or is the Swine rather too good looking for you to show him up?’

Madison lifted her head and found herself staring into the mocking eyes of Chadwick Rochester.  He did not seem upset that she had lied and denied him a dance, though he did stand there expecting his question to be answered.  How could she lie further and tell him he was not good looking.  She just could not do it.

‘The earl’s name is Swain, Mr. Rochester,’ Madison spoke softly.

‘I believe he knows his name,’ Chadwick chuckled.  Madison thought that sounded nice.  She wanted to smile, but quickly schooled her expression.

Betrothed to the wrong gentleman: Historical FictionWhere stories live. Discover now