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Chadwick leaned against the door.  He dropped his eyelids.  He did not want her to see the indecision in his eyes.  Is she going to run?  Will she stay?  He had lied to Lady Sophia and told her the chit would hear him out, but he was not sure.  Her eyes were glaring at him like daggers.  Her body language displayed no interest in being there whatsoever. 

‘Thank you Lady Madison,’ Chadwick slowly released his breath and waved his hand for her to precede him.

Madison was thankful her maid was outside with her groom.  She would not approve of either Lady Sophia’s indiscretion or this gentleman’s impertinence.

‘Mr. Rochester you do realize the impropriety of your request?’ Madison’s eyes held his.

‘It is assumed Lady Sophia is chaperoning us.’  Chadwick was not going to assure her that she was safe with him.  She was not.  Neither was he prepared to make any promises he had no intention of keeping.  Knowing she was stepping into the lion’s den, even though it was not his den, she took a step towards him. 

Madison knew once he closed the door, she was defenceless and in danger, yet the prospect of her getting caught excited her enough to go through with it.  She walked through the door frame and into the Jersey’s library.  For a moment Madison allowed her eyes to focus on Sophia.  There was reassurance in her eyes.  If Madison needed help, she was just outside the door.  Sophia had not wanted to betray Madison’s confidence in luring her there under false pretences, but Chadwick had been persuasive.  He had assured her that Madison would grant him an audience and it seemed Chadwick was correct.  Madison had eventually agreed, even though she had taken the time to weigh the situation.

Taking a gulp of air, Madison walked into the library.  She wanted some distance between her and Chadwick and made her way to the huge desk next to the huge bay window.   Madison stole a look at Chadwick leaning against the wall at the door.  He watched her move sleepily, yet the flared awareness in his eyes thrilled her.  Helpless desire swept through her.  This clandestine inappropriate meeting thrilled her.  His silent appraisal made her nervous.  She buried her gloved hands in the folds of her skirt. 

Chadwick was in no hurry to explain his summons.  His roving eyes took in the flushed face, the wisps of her gleaming hair that had escaped from her braids and had blown over her face.  Chadwick held his breadth admiring the way her thin soft silk shirt caressed her curvaceous body.

Madison shifted nervously at his blatant scrutiny.  A flush rose above the neckline of her linen shift.  She pulled her cloak across her breasts.  Even from the distance he stood, Madison caught a whiff of his scent, pine or cypress.  He was dressed smartly, yet he seemed unshaven.  She took another deep breadth and decided to end the deafening silence.

‘Why have you requested to see me Mr. Rochester?’

He did not answer her instead took measured steps closing the distance between them.  Madison swallowed nervously.  Her eyes widened as he towered in front of her.  The faint smell of whisky on his breath fanned her cheek.  Madison gasped as his fingers pressed over her gloved hand.  His thumb shifted higher until his fingers brushed the bare flesh of her wrist.  Inappropriate though it was, a shiver of pleasure coursed through her body.  Chadwick kissed the back of her hand with mock gallantry.  She saw the brilliant amusement in his eyes.  Fear temporarily flighted across her eyes.

‘Nervous my lady?’ he mocked.

‘You are a man given to improprieties, and stolen kisses.’

‘But you respond so whole heartedly to it,’ he pulled her roughly within the circle of his arms.  Madison was frozen to the spot as his head dipped lower.  She wanted him.   He watched the way her lips parted.  Madison could not lose herself here, she needed to get away.  Summoning the effort, she jerked herself free of his hold.

Betrothed to the wrong gentleman: Historical FictionWhere stories live. Discover now