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Rankin shook his head and winced from the pain he felt at his right jaw. What on earth had happened? Whose bed was he in? Then it dawned on him.

Rochester again!

Is there nothing that can rid Rochester from this earth? Rankin gently massaged his painful jaw.

Where is that fiancée of mine?

She should be tending to me, not that commoner. He gingerly lifted himself off the bed and sat up.

He packs a mean punch, if only I can get him when he's asleep.

In a daze Madison walked out. Buttons called to her to inform her which room Rankin was placed in. She nodded and proceeded to the bed chamber Rankin occupied.

This can't go on. I can't marry Rankin, not when I look for every opportunity to be with him. But he won't marry me. He is not interested in settling down. But I want to marry a gentleman with a title. My first born must inherit what is rightfully his. I cannot throw away the heritage I am born into.

'My lord are you okay? Madison rushed into the chamber with Beth right behind her. Rankin looked annoyed at seeing them. He did not want any witnesses to gloat about what a cruel blow he literally received from Chadwick.

'What took you so long?' Rankin scowled. 'I want you to throw Rochester out of your home.'

'I have prepared a pack of ice for you,' Madison murmured.

'That man is dangerous,' Rankin rattled on. 'I want him gone. Where is Baron Sanford?'

'Father is out at the moment,' Madison replied.

She did not want to comment about Chadwick. Rankin was in a foul mood. Shame, Chadwick should not have assaulted him, but how dare he speak to her that way, in her own home, in front of Chadwick and the servants?

'I must leave,' Rankin stood up with difficulty. 'I shall be in touch with Baron Sanford shortly.'

'The incident is most regretful my lord. My apologies,' Madison offered, not wanting Chadwick to be in trouble with her father. Rankin was considered an honoured guest in Baron Sanford's home.

'God bye my dear,' Rankin belatedly kissed her cheek.

'Will you not take lunch with me my lord?'

'I am not hungry,' he growled and marched out. Madison wanted to walk Rankin out, but Beth held her back.

'What is the matter Beth?'

'Leave him be,' Beth whispered angrily. 'I do not want him striking you.'

'What?' Madison laughed. 'He is an honourable gentleman. He shall not raise his hand to the fairer sex.'

'His servants say otherwise,' Beth whispered. 'He is a man with a temper and a lust for money and women.'

'Every man must sow his wild oats Beth,' Madison spoke uncomfortably. 'I do not mind what he does before we marry.'

'I do not believe that once he marries, he will refrain from his wondering ways,' Beth cautioned.

'You do not know him Beth,' Madison stated. 'Perhaps he will change.'

'And if he does not?'

'I---well, many gentlemen take on mistresses.' Anger exploded inside Madison. She did not want her husband having a mistress. She wanted him to be faithful to her. Like her father was to her mother.

Would Chadwick take on a mistress if he married?

Why was she channelling her thoughts in that direction?

Betrothed to the wrong gentleman: Historical FictionWhere stories live. Discover now