Deepest Black.

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My heart stores the blackest black,

In the deep veins lie stories so dark,

With high walls that the light can't crack,

The hue so deep there is no turn back,

A tint so hard it would stain all lack,

Lies so firm that it would shake truth's track,

Painting black in my future yet to crack,

Tinge of this heart and you'd never come back,

The black in my heart seeks a cutback,

All the light to have and it would still be black.

People say black is the absence of all colours, but I say black indicates the presence of all colours, it absorbs all colours .

Technically we see red when it absorbs all but red, and if to think so, black absorbs it all and white emits it all, so black has it all.

The world is not what you think it is.


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