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Someday I'd be old too, the day may come so soon.

Someday I'd be wrinkled to hideousness even in moon,

In the moon who hides the blemishes and still I'd be ugly,

That day nothing but this heart of mine would remain cuddly,

But I want someone to hug me and praise me even then,

A soul to look after me and receive the same. Amen.

 I need someone to love my heart as nothing but that would remain,

To look at my ugly face and say "Mia belle", one should see my heart in pain.

To rejoice in the joys revered and to severe the pain of faults,

A soul to look through all the skin now and then, to secure the joy in a cupid bolt.

Pray for a beautiful heart not a prettier face, because at the end only heart matters.


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