Well this is bad..

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So we’ve been in the studio since the first week of February. we have some great demo’s and we are all super duper excited. Okay so there is a bit of drama and for once it has nothing to do with my family or my boyfriend. It has everything to do with the demo’s and the songs and their lyrics.. Sam and Allyson are an insanely talented writing team. Greg writes, As do I. Ally and I are stubborn. she and wrote this song called Maybe this time... (Its basically about how past relationships sucked and how her and Z have a chance.) Its an awesome song but well I like mine, don’t let it go. Its really cute and upbeat and totally puts all my past relationships and what Ive done out on paper. Its raw and real and totally a whore’s party song. My band is split about this song thing. Olly likes mine,Sam likes hers,Greg doesn’t care.. I do like hers, and its not just that I like mine better,its just that i don’t like the tempo or the beat. I love the lyrics. 

“Why don’t you like it?”Greg asked 

“Its just not us.”
“You just like yours too much!”Sam yelled 

“I do,is that a crime?”

We spent 2 hours arguing. No conclusion. than we met Amanda and all hell broke out.Lets just say we used our other best friend to pick which song. it didn’t end well at all. Amanda left and told us to grow up and once we had we could return to being friends. Allyson and I are now not talking. we’ve only ever had one major fight and it was over the stupidest shit. It seems this fight is much like that one but,this one is 10X worse. we were sharing a hotel room. I went back to find all of her stuff gone and mine everywhere with rips and sharpie marks over all of my stuff. I was so pissed


Sarahdawesome FYI Bitch this means war! Unfollowing your ass @AllysonBarakitty! 

Sam5m2m Fuck Drama! Make up dammit! 

RianDawson @sarahdawesome what happened? 

XBabyBlueEyes Great.. guess the trio is dead.. fml.

I went back to school. lets just say. everyone is involved in this fight. That means fans, other bands,their fans, our family’s and friends.

“Sarah are you and Allyson really fighting?”Ariana asked 

“Yeah and Fuck off!” I yelled at my overly obnoxious roommate.. Oh this is gonna be bad..

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