The Sick Diva?

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 I slept for a really long time I woke up the next morning/ afternoon when we arrived at the next venue. 

“Hey sleepy head.”sam said hitting me in the head with a smiley faced stressball 

“you took the driver's bed!”Greg said 

“In her defense she deserved it.”Sam said “Plus, she is our lead singer and her voice is raspy.”Sam said as I threw the ball back.

I honestly didn’t want to talk.

We unloaded and I kinda stayed silent until I had too. I also did all my homework took a test and aced it. Than sound checked with the band and well forgot half of a new song.(prob cause I hate it and didn’t write it!). My band was pissed to say the least...

“Sarah what the fuck was that!”Sam yelled

“sorry.”I said 

“Ally you sing it!”Greg said as Allyson sang it. She did write it, I shouldn’t hate it, I mean she is my best friend but it so isn’t my type of song.

“Sarah your inears okay?”one of the tech dudes asked 

“Yurp!”I said as I hopped off the stage and grabbed the Tea Eric was holding.

“Sarah we aren’t done!”greg yelled as All the other bands poked their heads out.

 My band was even more upset. all i wanted was my tea. 

“What is up with you?”Allyson asked as I sipped my tea.I am getting sick my voice is getting worse and well if I sing that stupid song it will be gone tomorrow. 


DaMom hows that cold going?

me how did you know i had a cold?

DaMom you get sick around this time every single year! 

I went back on stage and we finished than we all headed back stage. I wouldn’t talk 


Sarahdawesome If I suck tonight im sorry.. oh and I most likely wont be meeting fans my voice is going :’(

My phone rang


“Hi sarah its hannah,I just wanted to make sure you were coming to my bridal shower on saturday.”

I hung up.this involved far to much talking. i knew i was gonna get in trouble. so i texted Taylor 


Me to Taylor Help.can you call hannah and tell her that Im sorry i hung up on her. my voice is like shot! 

Taylor sure,you aren’t coming sat ru?

Me nope I am in like some state other than Jersey! lol

Taylor K well I will call her and tell her.. beware she is gonna bitch to dad and he is well ya

Me gonna yell and try and ground me. I figured! lol 

Taylor calling her now! txt u after! 

me thanks TAY! :)

Riguy Cass just called saying you are being a diva. whats up?

Me Im a bitch sue me. 

Riguy call me!

Me no.. call mom! 

Riguy why mom. 

Me cause i said so! 

Riguy (Like 15 mins later) Oh your getting sick. that sucks. you getting the usual sore throat?

Me yes doctor Rian. Im like living on tea...

Riguy call dad maybe he will give ya something 

Me nah I hung up on Hannah...

Riguy ugh cause of the whole sarah doesn’t want to talk thing. 

Me I mean im doing the right thing! right?

Riguy maybe but Im not a lead singer so I cant help you...

Me Yeah.....

Cassadee Pope so miss diva whats up?

Me Im getting sick.

Cassadee Pope that explains a lot. hows the tea?

Me Okay. I have to get like throat drops and stuff.

Cassadee Pope Send someone out.

Me nah id look like even more of a Diva. 

“Sarah!”Someone yelled I just looked at them

“Can you stop being having this bitch attitude for like 5 seconds!”Sam yelled 

“Sarah what the fuck is the problem!”Rian yelled


Jordan shortie you Ok? 

Me Cold sore throat. 

Jordan Put ur self on vocal rest? 

Me uh huh. and can’t tell my band!

Jordan did you get cough drops and stuff 

Me nope not yet! 

15 mins later Curran (Watic’s tour manager) had a ton of cough drops and throat spray. 

“Take your pick.”Curran said throwing it into my lap.

“Whats all that?”Greg asked 

“Your lead singer is trying not to fuck her voice over.”Jordan said

We performed and my voice was alright, not in great shape but hey at least its not a complete fucking mess! we walked back to the green room.I decided not to sign. I was on the late night driving shift tonight and well Id rather not be anymore sickly or tired... My band signed. I drank tea. oh and a monster.. Sammy is my co piolt tonight.. should be some interesting times. 

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