chapter 4

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Atticus and Patch sat in the audience as the older girls danced to the music provided by the men with the song in the background. Darla stood backstage with the other little girls as they waited for their cue. Darla seemed to already love the song while it was playing. The others seemed only slightly nervous. Moses looked to them and signaled for them to come on stage now. Yuki, Teresa, Elena, Myrtle, and Darla then walked out on the stage, Darla paid close attention to their moves so she would know what to do.

"One... Two... Three... Four... Five..." Moses counted, then sighed as the other girl had not shown up.

"I'm sure that whoever is late is on her way right now," Atticus assured him before whispering to himself. "I hope."

Cherry ran with the little girl and she went to the stage door in the back. "You're soaked, hold on!"

The little girl ignored her and came right in as the others had already gone on without her. Moses paced as the late little girl decided to jump in with the crowd when he wasn't looking and started to dance with the others like nothing had happened. Soon the song ended, and the dancers recited an ancient Hawaiian proverb, then suddenly, the others began to slip and fall on the stage.

"Oh, my..." Atticus winced.

"Stop... Stop..." Moses came up on stage. "Lilo..." he looked to the black-haired girl, revealing her name to Atticus, Cherry, Darla, and Patch. "Why are you all wet?"

"It's Sandwich Day." Lilo replied like it was obvious.

Moses gave her an odd look.

Lilo took a deep breath. "Every Thursday, I take Pudge the fish a peanut butter sandwich."

"Pudge is a fish...?" Moses glanced at her strangely.

"And today we were out of peanut butter!" Lilo continued. "So I asked my sister what to give him and she said a tuna sandwich! I can't give Pudge tuna!" she then whispered. "Do you know what tuna is...?"

"Um, fish." Darla said, obviously.

"IT'S FISH!" Lilo shrieked at the top of her lungs. "If I gave Pudge tuna, I'd be an abomination! I'm late because I had to go the store, and get peanut butter, 'cuz all we have is... Is... STINKIN' TUNA!"

"Lilo..." Moses bent down to her height. "Lilo, why is this so important?"

"Pudge controls the weather." Lilo replied quietly then.

"How can a fish control the weather?" Darla asked.

"She's just crazy." Myrtle muttered nastily.

Lilo glared at her, then tackled her down and started to punch her which made the other girls scream and run away.

"Please! Please!" Moses tried to control his students. "Everybody calm down! Girls..."

Myrtle ran behind the teacher with Yuki, Teresa, and Elena. Darla seemed to now go over to Lilo, not caring what the mean girls, her so-called new friends, thought.

"Lilo..." Moses started.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Lilo got instantly scared and nervous. "I won't do it again!"

"Maybe we should call your sister..." Moses suggested.

"No, I'll be good!" Lilo pleaded. "I wanna dance... I practiced... I just wanna dance... I practiced..."

Moses had a small smile.

"Ew, she bit me..." Myrtle stared at her arm.

"Eww..." the other girls grimaced.

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