chapter 12

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After a little while, Darla was in her new swimsuit, Urchin took his shirt off and ditched his sandals, wearing only his shorts, and eventually, Nani and Lilo came back in their own swimsuits so the surfing could begin. They saw Atticus had his swim trunks on ready to surf.

"Don't be scared..." Lilo told Darla and Stitch. "It's going to be okay."

"I swim a lot during the summer, but... Heh... Not like this..." Darla smiled nervously, since she had been brought into Atticus's family and was now a mermaid like them, she was a little nervous about exposing it to her new friend.

"Don't worry, Darla, nothing bad will happen." Urchin said.

Darla glanced at him. "Thanks, Urchin."

Urchin smiled to her and ruffled up her hair. "Goldilocks..."

"Brown Eyes..." Darla stuck her tongue out.

"You two so like each other if you know what I mean." Lilo winked.

Darla and Urchin gaped to Lilo, turning bright red suddenly. Lilo giggled to them.

"So you all ready to do some surfing?" Atticus asked.

"Yeah!" the others cheered.

Stitch came over too, wanting to surf as well, even if he didn't know exactly what that was.

"Let's do it then!" Lilo beamed.

With that, they were all going on surfboards.

"Where's Cherry?" Darla asked her brother.

"Under an umbrella, reading." Atticus told her.

Darla looked over. "Hi, Cherry!"

Cherry waved her hand as she read one of her novels in the shade.

"Alright, let's get started." David said.

"Right." Urchin nodded as he was going to join in, this would surely be an experience for him more than the others.

Everybody got on their respective surfboards and made it out into the water to experience the waves in a different light.

"This is so exciting." Atticus smiled.

Darla and Urchin sat closer together at the end as they gently balanced on the board among the ocean blue waves.

"So what do we do first?" Atticus asked.

"Just follow my lead," David told Atticus, being a professional and all. "When you stand, try to keep good balance and don't think about falling."

"Okay, that sounds easy enough." Atticus said.

"With enough practice, you could do tricks like me." David smiled.

"Cool, anyways, let's get started." Atticus smiled.

"You have to move with the waves..." David advised.

"Right." Atticus nodded.

Stitch poked his hand in the water, but winced for some reason like it had hurt him.

"Stitch doesn't seem to like water." Patch whispered as he went along with them.

"I wonder why..." Urchin mumbled softly.

Patch simply shrugged, not sure himself. Despite Stitch's apparent and strange fear, the surfing seemed to go well so far. Atticus was nervous at first, but he kept steady and remembered David's lessons and tips on surfing so he wouldn't have a bad wipe-out. Patch seemed to be able to balance the weight on the surfboard.

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