chapter 5

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Patch went around the tropical islands. He then suddenly saw something crash down from the sky.

"What on Earth is that!?" Patch's eyes widened.

The something was coming closer and closer. Patch ran off before he could get struck by whatever was falling in the sudden cool crisp night. And where luckily it missed him.

"Whew, that was close," Patch sighed. He then looked, wiping his head with his paw. "What was that anyway?"

A green glow seemed to fill the air, but smoke came out from behind rocks. There came a tiny creature who then emerged from the rocks and laughed maniacally.

Patch glared, then growled, storming over. "I'm not afraid of you, come on out and fight like a dog!"

But to his surprise, it didn't look like a dog at all, the creature actually looked like the alien in his dream.

"Experiment 626!" Patch remembered from his super freaky share dream with Atticus.

The creature hopped out, showing it had four arms, blue fur, spikes on its back with antennae and appeared to have a red uniform on. He snarled and spoke to Patch, using an alien language that could not possibly be understood by Earth life.

"Sorry, I can't understand what you're saying." Patch said before his Equestrian medallion/Pound Puppy tag glowed, giving him the ability to understand what the alien would say.

Experiment 626 kept snarling and speaking, but after a moment, his words became clear and could be deciphered for the Dalmatian puppy. "Take me to your leader or be destroyed, vermin!"

"Okay, first, no! And second, why the heck are you here?!" Patch asked.

"Leader! Now!" Experiment 626 took out plasma guns in his hands.

"Whoa!" Patch jumped back.

"Tell me where I am, you infidel..." Experiment 626 narrowed his eyes.

"You're in Hawaii, a country on the Planet Earth." Patch told him.

"Ee-Arth...?" Experiment 626 asked. "Hawaii...? What galaxy is this?"

Suddenly a raindrop fell one way.

"What was that!?" Experiment 626 shot the road one way.

Another drop fell the other way.

"What was that!?" Experiment 626 then shot the other way.

Another drop then fell on the extraterrestrial's head.

"WHAT SORCERY IS THIS!?" Experiment 626 then pointed his gun up and then shot the sky, which then made raindrops fall like a small shower as predicted earlier by the weather. "Oh, I believe I've angered it."

"No, no, no, no, this is just rain, moisture from the clouds in the sky." Patch told him.

"What is this 'rain' you speak of?" Experiment 626 snarled.

A frog then croaked next to them.

"And who are you!?" Experiment 626 pointed his weapons to the innocent amphibian, trying to make it speak with him like the puppy did. "Some second-in-command? Surrender now or FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

There was a horn blare heard.

"RUN!" Patch yelped as he saw a large truck coming.

"Surrender!" Experiment 626 held up his guns, but got hit by the truck and was getting mangled by the large tires, but didn't seem to be dead or killed in any way.

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