chapter 10

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After sleeping for a while, it was finally morning and the girls, Patch, and Stitch decided now was a good time to show Nani, Stitch's new skill. Nani was fast asleep.

"Nani.... Nani!" Lilo called to her older sister.

"Uh... Yeah...?" Nani woke up, groggily looking over to the small group in her bedroom.

"Look." Darla and Lilo said, Darla was wearing/borrowing Lilo's green dress with white flowers on it while Lilo wore her yellow dress with green leaves on it.

Darla turned on the record player and placed Stitch's claw in the place of the needle. Lilo signaled for Nani to wait a minute, then opened Stitch's mouth to play one of Elvis's songs to Nani. This surprised Nani very much, especially with how a dog couldn't be able to do that. Patch moved Stitch's mouth up and down. Nani stared very long, unsure of what to do or say to that. There was then a sharp knocking at the door which made Nani rush out of bed to answer it.

"Who could that be?" Darla asked.

Patch and Stitch decided to follow Nani to find out who was at the door. Nani let out a horrified gasp when she opened the door to see a bald man in a suit with sunglasses.

"Heard you lost the job..." the man told her.

"Well, uh, actually, I quit that job..." Nani seemed to be making up an excuse. "Because, you know, the hours are just not conductive to the challenges of raising a child..."

Stitch growled at this man, not liking him for some reason, and threw a book at his face which knocked his sunglasses clear off his face. Patch looked at the man as well, not finding or sensing anything bad about this man, but did sense that he didn't like him either and started to growl at him.

"HEY!" the man glared down.

"I am so sorry about that!" Nani picked up Stitch in total fear and alarm.

"What is that thing?" the man demanded.

"That's my puppy!" Lilo piped up with a smile.

"Really?" The man asked before seeing Patch keep Lilo and Darla away from him.

"Uh, this one's mine, sir." Darla said, referring to the Dalmatian puppy.

The man was about to reach down and pet Patch, but the Dalmatian puppy just backed up further from him, not trusting him.

"Hmm..." he then looked back to Nani. "Thus far, you have been adrift in the sheltered harbor of my patience, but I cannot ignore you being jobless. Do I make myself clear?"

"Perfectly." Nani replied.

"And the next time I see this dog," the man then gestured to Stitch. "I expect him to be a model citizen... Capisce?"

"Uh... Yes?" Lilo agreed, wondering what that word was supposed to mean.

"That means 'understood'." Patch whispered to Lilo.

"Oh." Lilo whispered back.

"New job," the man said to Nani. "Model citizen..." he then said to Lilo, putting his glasses back one, but one part of the glass broke off and hit the ground. "Good day..." he then walked off to leave the sisters to their business.

"Okay, who the heck was that guy?" Darla asked.

"He's the social worker." Lilo said.

"Social worker?" Darla asked.

"He's one of the people who come over to make sure I'm happy and stuff like that..." Lilo shrugged, not fully understanding herself. "When he was here last time, I got Nani in trouble and he told me to call him the next time I'd be left home alone."

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