Chapter 3

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Song of the Day: Smack That by Akon

             Dr. Reid and agent Carter had already finished talking to Frita's parents, who didn't speak English well, and were now driving to Holly's family. Carter felt bad talking to Frita's parents, since they didn't completely understand how someone could do something so cruel. Frita's father was angry, but her mother was hysterical.

            Soon the two agents were at Holly's family's house. Carter swore she had seen this house before and not like the seen it like passing it, no. Actually she seen it, like been inside before. She wasn't exactly sure and so she wasn't going to mention it.

           Dr. Reid could see that there was something on Agent Carter's mind, but if he knew anything about girls, he knew to not ask what is bothering her. The duo walked up to the door and knocked, waiting for one of the family members of Holly to open the door.

         After a few seconds the door was opened and a nice looking older lady popped her head out. She looked at the two agents, before opening the door completely and stepping out. Carter introduced herself and Dr. Reid, before the lady smiled huge.

"Carter, I don't think you remember me, but you came over once before. Remember Leo?" Ms. Reynolds asked, and Carter bit her lip.

"Leona Dametrie, your niece?" Carter asked, and Ms. Reynolds nodded.

"Yes. Do you remember now?" Ms. Reynolds asked, and Carter nodded as well.

"Yes, of course. I'm sorry about your daughter." Carter said, causing her to frown.

"I don't understand why it happened." She commented, as Carter sighed.

"I know, may we come in?" Carter asked, and she nodded.

"Yes, you may come in." She answered, motioning for the two agents to enter.

         Both agents nodded and walked inside of the house. They were guided to a living room and motioned to sit down. After about thirty minutes, it was time for the two agents to leave. They still have barely any information on the case to be able to help with the case. As they were driving back towards the station with the others, Garcia called Carter's phone.

"Hello?" Carter asked, as she pressed speaker.

"Hello pretty lady, what did you learn from the victims parents?" Garcia asked, typing away at her computer.

"Nothing, did you have any luck in new information?" Carter asked, as Garcia nodded to herself.

"Yes, actually, I did some digging on these girls personal lives and it seems that they were all part of the same group of people in their school. Like, they all had boyfriends and they have a history of exs." Garcia informed, as she scrolled through the list of victims.

"Any of the ex boyfriends have a problem with the girls, enough to become violent?" Dr. Reid asked, causing Garcia to frown.

"Not that I've found, also these girls were all friends, so I was thinking, what if all their friends are targets, too?" Garcia asked, causing both agents to frown as well.

"Were they close friends, or were they just game night friends?" Carter asked, as Garcia began to type on her computer.

"It's a full clique of best friends for these girls. It seems these girls were very nice and friendly to everyone who talked to them." Garcia answered, as both agents nodded.

"Thanks Garcia." Dr. Reid and Carter replied in unison, causing Reid to blush slightly.

"You're welcome children. I'll be here if ya need me." Garcia said, as she hung up the phone.

"Why would the unsub be after these girls?" Agent Carter asked, causing Reid to shrug.

"I don't know, maybe the unsub was bullied by these girls." Dr. Reid answered, causing Carter to shake her head.

"No, I don't think so. What if the unsub that is doing this is targeting these girls because they symbolize something?" Carter suggested, as Reid's eyebrows scrunched together.

"Like what?" Reid asked, and she bit her lip.

"Maybe the unsub was sexually assaulted when they were in high school and something ended up happening. Like teen pregnancy due to being rape? Maybe the police never found the assailant?" Carter commented, as Reid nodded.

"That sounds like a good reason. Call Garcia." Reid stated, and she nodded again.

"Okay." Carter answered, as she called Garcia.

"Hey sexy." Garcia answered, causing Carter to smile and shake her head.

"Hey Garcia, I need you to check something out for us." Carter stated, as Garcia typed away on her computer.

"At your service." Garcia replied, and Carter smiled.

"Check and see if you can find any rape cases that went unsolved in the last twenty to twenty years, possibly where the girl may have ended up as a pregnant teen." Carter stated, and Garcia began to type away.

"Sad thing is I have over two hundred and fifty cases." Garcia answered, causing Carter to frown.

"How about checking only the Tampa Bay area." Dr. Reid added, as he stopped at a red light.

"I have ten." Garcia answered, and the agents nodded.

"Send them to Reid and the others." Carter stated, and Garcia nodded to herself once more.

"Will do, I'm out." She said, ending the call.

"Why didn't you have her send you the cases?" Reid asked, curious of Carter.

"I, uh, I don't like to read about this stuff." She lied, though she didn't think Reid would believe her.

     Reid knew the answer was a lie, but he didn't push her. He was afraid to push the case too far. He did want to know why though, and he was planing on doing some searching if he had to. Soon they were at the station and they stepped out and headed inside.

       As they walked inside, Morgan watched the two agents. He saw a certain type of connection between them, but could tell they didn't see it. He knew by the way they acted in each other's presence that they felt something, but knew they were to oblivious to see it. Morgan was determined to make sure that they already acknowledged their feelings, even if he had to lock them in a room together. This was his mission and he was determined to succeed...



         Hello Reiders...see what I did there? No? Okay than...any way, I hope you guys liked it. Especially, Morgan's mission impossible.

Question if the Day: What career do you want in life?

         I want to be a singer or dance choreographer. I am taking classes to be an RN though, so i have something to fall back on.

  Love you all!

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-Youngblood Xxx

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