Chapter 4

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Song of the Day: Whistle by Flo Rida

      Working all night was really taking a toll on Agent Carter's nerves. Yes, she has had restless nights before and has had nights where she was up all night like to study for a test. But this night was different, this was her third night of no sleep.

      Reid could tell that Carter hadn't slept in days, but he had no idea why. He walked over towards Morgan's desk and got Morgan's attention.

"What is Carter's favorite caffeinated drink?" He asked, as Morgan pursed his lips.

"Why?" Morgan asked, smirking.

"She looks like she hasn't slept in days and since it's her first case, I was thinking about helping her out and getting her caffeine to stay awake." Reid answered, causing Morgan to nod.

"Alright, pretty boy, she likes French Vanilla Cappuccino, with exactly six pieces of ice. No more. No less, or she'll bite your head off like she did mine when her and I stopped for one the other day and I got eight instead of six." Morgan answered, looking back at his paper of information.

    Reid made sure to remember the order, as he walked to his car and drove over to a small coffee shop down the street. He would have walked, but he was tired and did not feel like walking. He walked inside of the coffee shop and the smell of fresh coffee hit his nose. He walked up to the counter and ordered himself a coffee and made sure to order Carter's drink the way she liked it.

      When they gave him the drink, he checked it and made sure it had exactly six pieces of ice. He paid quickly and brought the drinks out to he truck. He set them in the cup holders, before driving back to the station.

     Once he got back to he station, he walked inside and headed to Carter. As soon as he stood at the corner of the desk she looked up at him. She gave him a tired smile, he smiled back before handing her the drink. She went to take the lid off, but he stopped her.

"I made sure to check, it has exactly six pieces." He informed her, and she smiled.

"Thank you, Spencer. You're the best." She said tiredly, and he nodded.

"No problem, have you found out anything else on this case?" He asked, causing her to shake her head.

"Not yet, but I had noticed something about the girls. They all looked similar. Similar build, similar eye color, hair color, height. Maybe the unsub is trying to find girls that have brown hair, blue eyes, and are around five foot five for a reason." Carter stated, and he bit his lip.

"Maybe to look like the unsub, or rather what the unsub looked like when they were younger?" He questioned, causing her to shrug.

"I don't know, but it sounds like a good explanation." She replied, and he nodded.

        Morgan watched them from afar, and he seen as Carter offered Reid a seat next to her. Morgan knew they were going to connect soon; he was going to make sure of it.

        The two agents conversed about the case for a while, before taking a break and stretching their legs. As they walked separately, Morgan popped up beside Carter. He walked with her and waited for her to talk first, but soon he decided to do it himself.

"Hey pretty girl, you seem exhausted." He joked, and she smiled.

"A bit, but that doesn't matter really." She answered, and he smirked.

"What does matter though, is the fact that I can see a connection between you and Reid." Morgan said, and she looked at him quickly.

"What?" She asked, feeling herself become almost vulnerable to his accusations.

"Yes, actually, I see it coming from both of you. Do you like pretty boy over there?" He asked, pointing at Reid, who was having this same conversation with JJ.

"What? No I don't." She answered, with a nervous tone in her voice.

"Yes you do. You can't deny it." Morgan stated, smirking.

"It really doesn't matter, he doesn't feel that same." Carter replied, and he pursed his lips.

"Oh really. Look." He said, pointing towards JJ and Reid.

      Morgan looked at JJ and mouthed 'now' to her. JJ smiled and nodded, before asking Reid the same question Morgan asked Carter minutes ago. Carter watched as Reid blushed a dark shade of red and tried to hide his face. Morgan bumped her shoulder with his and flashed a huge smirk her way.

"Told you so, but with him, it'll take a while to get a word out of him about it." Morgan stated, and she sighed.

"That's alright I guess, but you know how it is with him, so I'd have to ask your opinion on everything." Carter replied, and he chuckled.

"Well don't expect much just yet, but for sure, there will be something." Morgan said, and she nodded.

       Carter lifted her head and looked at Morgan. Morgan smiled down at her and she lowered her head a bit. Her eyes traveled towards Reid and seen that he was already looking at her. He blushed a light pink, as did she, but he smiled at her. She smiled back and lowered her head back down. Maybe it wasn't going to be as easy as she had thought it would be to eagerly await for Reid to explain his feelings, honestly he couldn't find a way to explain them, but wanted to do it as soon as possible when the time was right...



      Hello fellow Reid lovers. I hope you guys liked this chapter. This isn't one of my best, but it was pretty good.

         Also did you guys see the Criminal Minds episode last night? ~SPOILER ALERT~ if you haven't sorry. Anyway, I cried when I  thought Morgan got shot. Morgan's baby boy was so cute...if you didn't hear the baby's name it's Hank Spencer Morgan. He named him after Spence, and I thought it was adorable, especially since he called Reid Hank's big brother, and Penelope Hank's godmother, goodness. I cried when I watched Spence and Morgan have their 'brother/father-son' type moment, and I definitely wanted to cry when Morgan left. Gosh this is going to be hard to be without Morgan! Ugh!

Question of the day: What did you think of last night's episode?

Love you guys!


-Youngblood Xxx

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