Chapter 14

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Song of the Day: The Way I Am by Eminem

        After talking to Reid, Carter felt a little bit better. She pulled him with her to go see her daughter. Ellie was sitting on the couch in her grandma's living room, watching all the new people walking around. She was shy and nervous with all these people around. She saw Morgan in the very corner of the room and she contemplated on what she should do.

"Morgan!" She yelled, waiting for him to walk over.

        He heard her yell and he walked over to her. He smiled at her and she smiled shyly back.

"Sit." She demanded, and he obeyed.

      Morgan thought she was adorable and did exactly what she wanted. She leaned herself against him when she saw JJ looking over at her. Morgan chuckled and looked over towards the hallway. He saw Carter and Reid, so he caught Ellie's attention.

"Look Ellie. There's Mommy." He said, as he picked her up on his lap and pointed towards the hallway.

        Ellie smiled brightly and patiently waited for her mother and Reid to walk over to her. As soon as her mother was close enough, she stuck out her arms. Carter picked up Ellie and turned towards Reid.

"Ellie, this is my friend Reid." Carter said, as Ellie smiled at him.

     He smiled back and Ellie gave him a high five. Reid knew why Carter didn't tell Ellie they were together, and he would agree on why not to do it. He didn't want to confuse Ellie on the way Reid and her mother are together. For a young girl like her, she wouldn't understand.

"Do you want to come with Mommy when we leave?" Carter asked Ellie, looking down at her daughter.

        Ellie looked around the room at all the new faces and was nervous, but she really didn't want to leave her mother's side ever again.

"Yeah." Ellie answered, quickly nodding her head.

"Okay. Well, I'm glad. I didn't want to leave my baby girl behind." Carter said, as she rubbed Ellie's face.

     Ellie giggled and looked down at Morgan. He was smiling at her and she happily smiled back. Carter and Reid took a seat beside Morgan and Ellie patted Morgan's arm playfully.

"Can you tell us, what you've been keeping a secret?" JJ asked, looking over at Carter.

"I guess you should know. Well, when I was seventeen almost eighteen, I was in college and I was very unorganized. Anyway, I was headed back to my dorm, after six long hours at Sizzler's, the place I worked at, which sucked so bad. Back to what I was saying, I was headed back when somebody grabbed me. I tried to scream, but they had their hand firmly over my mouth." Carter started, as she took a quick breath before continuing,"He tied a gag around my mouth and tied my hands together on a branch of a tree. I-I was raped twice that night by this guy, and he left me there after untying my hands. A few weeks later, I started feeling sick and throwing up all the time, so I went to the doctor thinking it was nothing. Turns out I was pregnant with Ellie, and when my mother found out she was upset." Carter finished, sighing slightly.

"Did she do anything or say anything to you, after you told her?" Prentiss asked, and Carter nodded.

"She suggested abortion, but I was very against that, no matter who or how the baby was made. She stuck by my side after three months of being mad at me for not taking her suggestion, and once I had Ellie she decided to babysit her while I went to school and soon joined the team. Nothing weird happened to point out that she was doing any of this. My daughter and mother were both happy every time I came home, and nothing ever flipped my switch where I should've been concerned. Guess I should've, since all this happened." Carter explained, as Morgan quickly shook his head.

"None of this is your fault, Spike. You couldn't ever have done anything to change the events that have happened." Morgan stated, looking at Carter.

        She nodded, not trusting her voice. Morgan was right though, it wasn't her fault, but she sure did blame herself. Ellie laid back on her mother and made sure her mother's arms were around her.

"Let's head back to the office, so we can get ready to leave." Hotch stated, and everyone agreed.

"I'll stay behind with her, so she can pack some of Ellie's things." Morgan said, and Hotch nodded as well.

"Alright, the rest of you go." Hotch replied, as they walked out of the house.

        Morgan and Carter stood up and went to Ellie's room. Carter lay Ellie on her bed, as her and Morgan packed up Ellie's clothes, some of her toys, shoes, and hair things. Once they packed about three suitcases , they decided that it was enough.

     Carter picked up Ellie, who was sleeping and pulled one suitcase as Morgan pulled the other two. They brought it to the back of the truck and placed them inside, before taking the car seat out of her mother's car and putting it in the truck. Carter then placed Ellie in it and buckled her up.

"Let's get going." Morgan said, and she nodded.

"Yeah, and never look back." Carter replied, as she pursed her lips.


A/N:  One more chapter before the next book. I hopefully will have it up soon after this, but I'm not completely sure yet if I will or not.

Question of the Day: Do you like to put hair color in your hair?

       I do. I've had burgundy, red, blue, and now I have purple.

Love you guys!


-Youngblood Xxx

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