Chapter 7

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Song of the Day: Highschool by Nicki Minaj feat. Lil Wayne

       Today was the day that Reid was taking Carter out to dinner. Carter was so worried that something was going to go wrong. She knew both her and Reid wanted tonight to be perfect. Reid really liked Carter and he finally figured his feelings out. It was hard though for him, since he had never felt those feelings before.

"What's up with you?" JJ asked Reid, as he nervously fumbled around the office all day.

"Nothing, why?" He answered, quickly.

"Sure big guy, are you sure that it doesn't have anything to do with a certain agent, by the name of Carter Spike?" She pressed farther, smirking as he blushed.

"No." He replied, quickly.

"Uh huh." She answered, shaking her head and smiling.

      Reid watched as JJ walked away, but as soon as he saw Carter, his heart skipped a beat. He watched her silently as she walked around with the other agents and gained information about the case they were all working on.

      Morgan saw Reid's stare on something, and he followed it to what he was staring so intently at. He saw that Reid was staring at Carter. Morgan smirked to himself and shook his head chuckling. By the way that Reid was staring at Carter, Reid was definitely love struck. He also knew that once Carter and Reid became a thing, Reid would follow Carter around like a lost puppy.

       Carter could feel the intent stares of the two men, but decided to leave it be, even though being under the gaze of these to men made her shudder. She wished they would stop, but she knew that these to guys were going to be major parts in her life.

"Staring gets you no where, ya know." Morgan joked with Reid, and he blushed.

"What stare? I don't know what you're talking about." He rushingly claimed, and Morgan chuckled.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You keep staring at Spike." Morgan stated, smirking.

"Umm, uh-" Reid stuttered, as Morgan chuckled once more.

"Don't worry pretty boy, Spike has already told me about you two going to dinner tonight. I have to say though, you have to try and not make her upset, okay?" Morgan said, seriously.

"Okay, when did she tell you?" He asked, curiously.

"Yesterday. She had ran out on me, bumped into you, you asked her, she ran to me and Prentiss- "He began, before he was cut off by Reid.

"Prentiss knows too?" He asked, causingMorgan to shake his head.

"No, and if you would've let me finish, you would know that she pulled me into another room, apologized to me and then told me about the dinner." Morgan finished, and Reid's eyebrows scrunched once more.

"Oh, why may I ask? Not to offend you or anything though." He asked Morgan, cautiously.

"She and I are like brother and sister. We tell each other everything." Morgan explained, and he nodded.

       The time was getting closer and closer to 4:30 and time seemed to go faster than normal. Neither Reid nor Carter were absolutely ready for dinner. It's not that they weren't dressed or were thinking about canceling. No, actually they were both just worried about how they were going to be towards each other and what could possibly happen in the case while they are gone.

       Morgan could tell by the way they were both acting as the time grew nearer to 4:30, that they were both nervous. He knew they were both on high alert of each other, since they didn't want to screw up anything before, during, or after the dinner, since even if they didn't end up getting together, they still had to work together.

         The time was finally 4:30, and both Reid and Carter were looking for each other. While they were being all nervous they lost sight of each other.

         After a short while, they both decided that they'd wait at the door. As soon as they made it to the door they smiled at each other.

"Great minds think alike."  Reid commented, and she nodded.

"They sure do." Carter replied, chuckling.

"You ready to go?" Reid asked, and she nodded again.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Carter answered, smiling at Reid.

          Reid held the door open and followed Carter out the door. They walked to Reid's car and hopped in. Now all Reid had to do was make it easily to the restaurant in one piece...


A/N: cliff hanger, because I'm trying to make all my chappies the same length. Anyway, hope y'all like it.

Question of the Day: What is your favorite song(s) by Prince?

       Mine are Purple Rain and Little Red Corvette...I think that's the name. I suck at song names.

Love you all!


-Youngblood Xxx

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