Chapter 9

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Song of the Day: Hall of Fame by The Script feat. Will. I. Am.

   It has been a few days since their date and Reid and Carter have not acted any differently. They both still treat each other the same when they're around the team. Even when they're alone they don't do all the lovey dovey stuff that normal couples do. For them, normal is coming back alive and in one piece, even that is a chore for them at times, since their job is so dangerous.

    Right now, Reid was off doing his own thing, and Morgan and Carter were out. They first headed to the morgue to examine the newest victim. It seems that the unsub hasn't changed their signature yet. The victim still looks the same as all the other girls. There was one difference though and Carter couldn't tell just yet what it was.

"Have you found anything different about this victim, compared to the others?" Carter asked the ME working at the morgue.

"Yeah, actually this victim just recently had a miscarriage." The medical examiner answered, looking over her patient.

"How do you know that?" Morgan asked the ME, looking over the body as well.

"Well, you see how her stomach is still a bit rounded towards her hips?" the ME asked, pointing to the girl's abdomen, "It seems she was at least four months along or more." She said, estimating the length of the pregnancy.

"So, do you think the unsub is going after girls who just recently miscarried?" Morgan asked Carter, causing her to shrug.

"Could be. I'm not completely sure though. The unsub could be looking for a pregnant girl, and just hasn't had luck yet." Carter replied, and Morgan smirked.

"That sounds like it could be true. I always loved your suggestions better than mine." Morgan joked, and she smirked as well.

"I know, me too." Carter retorted, causing Morgan to push her shoulder playfully.

         They thanked the medical examiner working at the morgue, before walking out of the morgue and heading to the crime scene. Normally Hotch wouldn't send the same two people to do more than one thing, but they wanted to be out of the office. So, he agreed to letting them do more than one thing as a duo.

      Reid wasn't jealous of the fact that Morgan and Carter were going to be out for a while together, actually he liked them having bonding time. He can tell by the way they act together, not only will Morgan protect Carter, but Morgan also sees her as his little sister.

       Reid did miss Carter being at the office though. Normally he wouldn't mind not having her there. Not that he didn't like her there, no, actually it's because he never put much notice to it. Now that he did though, it makes it seem like the office is a bit quiet, empty, and boring.

       JJ could see that Reid was a bit irritated, so she walked over to him and sat on the edge of his desk. He looked up at her and gave her his signature smile, which he could easily plaster on his face for all to see. JJ smiled back at him, then got straight to business.

"Why do you look so down, Spence?" She asked him, folding her hands in her lap.

    He sighed before answering her question, which took him a minute to think about. In all honesty he couldn't think of why he looked so down, he just was.

"I have no clue." He answered, semi- honestly.

"You sure," she began, before smirking a bit, "is it because Spike's not here?" She asked, and he frowned.

"Uh, no?" He said questionably, then mentally smacking himself in the face.

"Spence, she'll be back soon. Morgan is with her, she's safe. Don't worry about her Spencer, just try and distract yourself with the case." JJ explained, looking her friend dead in the eye.

"I'll try." He mumbled, looking away from her.

      She nodded her head and patted his shoulder lightly, before walking off to her desk. Reid sighed and slumped back in his seat. He thought about what JJ had said and decided to do what she said, or at least try to do what she said. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but it was his job and he can't get distracted with minor things. Even if that minor thing is Carter, and even though she was with Morgan, he still couldn't seem to completely distract himself from her.

      This was very new for Reid and in a way it scared him. How could a girl make him feel this way? Especially in such a small amount of time. Even though this whole time has meant the world to him, he still doesn't understand how she makes him feel this way. One thing was for sure, which was that his feelings were definitely growing for Carter, each and every day they were together.

       Carter and Morgan had finally arrived at the crime scene, what was odd though was that this girl was found outside of a school building. Normally they would find the victims in the park or somewhere else, but this victim was placed somewhere completely different.

"What are you thinking?" Morgan asked Carter, as he looked over at her.

"I'm thinking, that this case has become way weirder than it was before." She replied, looking back at him.

"Maybe the unsub is coming close to their climax?" He suggested, and she sighed.

"Or they're just getting started." Carter replied, looking away from the body.
       He nodded at her idea. They looked around more, before deciding to go. They didn't know what to expect, but they knew that something was different. Carter couldn't help but shutter, and this made her wonder. What if the unsub is trying to make a statement? but she didn't know if it was a good suggestion, so she kept quiet. Someone will bring it up...


A/N:    This chappie seems a bit longer. I hope y'all like it. BTW it's coming close to the end of the first book.

Question of the Day: Do y'all watch The Walking Dead? If so what do you think about Neagan, and who do you think he beat with Lucile

        I think Neagan is cool. Especially since he plays Sam and Dean's dad in Supernatural, besides that he dresses cool. His bat Lucile is awesome, and he is so sarcastic. I think he beat Glenn with Lucile, but that's only because it's according to the comics. Even though they said that the show isn't completely based off the comics anymore, still I think it's Glenn.

Love you guys!


-Youngblood Xxx

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