Chapter 12

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Song of the Day: Changes by 2 Pac

       After reading the file, Carter decided to call Garcia.

"Hey Garcia." She said, into the phone.

"Hey hot stuff, what can I do for ya?" Garcia asked, a chipper tone in her voice.

"Oh, we have three files instead of two. Sorry, I should've looked harder." Carter apologized, and Garcia giggled.

"No problem, hon. Oh, when I looked up the one file about Doris Potter, seems she lives in Seattle now, so she is the suspect and neither is her mother who lives with her." Garcia informed, and Carter nodded.

"Thanks Garcia, oh, and thanks for the first address." Carter said, as Garcia typed away on her computer.

"You're very welcome, I'll send the address to the next file as soon as I find it." Garcia replied, and Carter nodded to herself.

"Bye." Carter answered, as she pressed 'end' on her call.

       Carter then went and found Morgan, so that the two of them could head out to the first address, as Reid worked on more information. The two agents walked out to their truck. Morgan drove, as they both sat through a silent car ride.

      They both were focused on the case, and not worried about talking. It wasn't an awkward silence. Actually, it was quite peaceful and helped them figure out things going on in their heads. Soon, too soon, they pulled up at the first house.

      Carter stood up out of the truck and made sure that she had her gun ready. Both her and Morgan had both suited up before they left, just to make sure that they were safe. Carter walked slowly in front of Morgan, as they walked closer to the door.

     As soon as they reached the door, Carter knocked on it and Morgan held his gun down a bit. Ya know, to try and not scare anyone. Anyway, the duo waited at the door for someone to answer, but after a couple of minutes nobody came to the door.

     They looked at each other, before nodding and Morgan busted open the door. As they walked around inside, they knew there didn't feel right. Something was definitely not right and so they made sure to check every room.

      Carter headed towards a room they hadn't checked yet and she pushed the door open. She walked in the room and saw blood. It was all over the floor along the left side of the bed. Carter walked closer to the bed and slowly walked towards the side of the bed.

       What she seen was just awful. It was a girl, no older than seventeen, on the floor bleeding. The worst part though was that she was pregnant. Carter ran to her side, as the girl weakly grasped Carter's arm.

"Help me." The young girl choked out, as Carter nodded.

"I will, love. What's your name?" Carter asked, as she crouched beside the girl.

"Julia, Julia Blake." The girl answered, causing Carter to nod again.

"How far along are you?" Carter asked, as she tried to fine the source of bleeding.

"Eight months, but it's coming!" Julia gasped, and Carter's eyes widened.

"Morgan! I need help! Keep calm, we'll help you." Carter exclaimed, and Julia nodded weakly.

        Morgan ran into the room, he saw Carter and Julia. He called for an ambulance and then came to the two girls' sides.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Morgan asked Julia, and she nodded again.

"Yeah, she shot my leg." Julia said, with pain evident in her voice.

"Who?" Morgan asked her, hoping she would know.

"I don't know." She cried, causing Carter to try and console her again.

"Okay, just calm down." Carter said, calmly as possible.

"Oh no!" Julia cried, sitting up slightly.

"What?" Morgan and Carter asked in unison, looking at Julia with wide eyes.

"The baby's coming now!" Julia exclaimed, and the agents became scared.

"Really?!" Morgan started, before Julia nodded her head, "where's your towels or stuff I can use?" He asked, feeling almost panicked.

"In that closet." She said, pointing in her bathroom.

     Morgan ran into the bathroom, as Carter coached Julia in breathing. Once Morgan was back with towels Carter helped Morgan cut Julia's pants off, before getting ready to help Julia have her baby.

"Morgan, you coach her. I'll deliver the baby." Carter stated, and he looked over at his partner.

"You sure?" He asked Carter, and she nodded in response.

      He sat next to Julia and coached her, as Carter sat near Julia and guided the baby out. To say this was difficult was an understatement. There was blood everywhere, and delivering a baby was not helping the blood situation at all.

      Carter watched and guided the baby out, before cutting the umbilical cord. The baby was not breathing, but Carter knew what to do. She tapped the baby on the back and rubbed it's neck and spine until she heard the baby's cries.

     She then wrapped the baby in a clean towel and used another clean, yet wet with warm water, towel to clean off the baby's face and body as best as she could. Carter then wrapped the towel back around the baby and handed it to Julia.

     Seconds later, the ambulance arrived, and two EMTs came and took Julia and her baby out on the stretcher. Julia made them stop next to Carter, before she asked her a question.

"I forgot to ask. What is your name?" Julia asked Carter, placing her hand on the agent's arm.

"My name is Carter. Carter Spike." Carter answered, a smile on her face.

"I like that name. I'm going to name my baby after you." Julia stated, and Carter grinned.

"Thank you. What is the baby's name going to be?" Carter asked, and Julia smiled as well.

"Spike Carter Edwards, since it's a boy. Besides, I thought it'd be cooler if I switched it around, so your name would stay original." Julia answered, and Carter nodded still smiling.

"Alright, thank you. Now you should go so you and Spike can get checked on." Carter replied, as Julia removed her hand from her arm.

      Julia nodded her head and was wheeled out of the house on a stretcher, before Carter and Morgan left. The EMTs had give them stuff to clean the blood off of their arms and hands, so all Morgan and Carter had to do was change their clothes.

      As they were headed to the hotel where they were staying, they received a call from Penelope.

"Hey beauties." Garcia greeted, once they had answered the call

"Hey Garcia, whatcha got?" Carter asked, her voice sounding a small bit peppy.

"I got the second address for you." She stated, and Carter's heart skipped a beat.

"Oh, great. What is it?" Carter asked, though she hoped it wasn't what she knew it really was.


A/N: the chappie was about to run over, so I chose this as the stopping point. Cliff hanger, sorry.

Question of the Day: What's your favorite type of drink can you not live without?

       Mine is sweet tea!

Love you all!


-Youngblood Xxx

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