Chapter 13

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Song of the Day: Safe and Sound by Capital Cities

"Oh, great. What is it?" Carter asked Garcia, hoping it wasn'twhat she knew it really was.

"It's your mom's address, Carter. What are you not telling us?" Garcia asked concerned, as Carter's blood ran cold.

"It doesn't matter. Did you tell the team yet?" Carter asked, as she directed Morgan to her mother's house.

"I was just about to do so." Garcia replied, and Carter nodded to herself.

"Okay, well we gotta go." Carter said, as she hung up the phone.

         Yes, Carter knew that it wasn't a nice thing to do, but she didn't want Garcia asking so many questions at once. Her and Morgan soon pulled up at her mother's house and they got out of the truck.

        Carter walked up to the door, with Morgan hot on her heels. She sighed, before she picked up her hand and knocked on the door. Morgan watched as the door was slowly opened. He looked down at the bottom of the door, and saw a small girl, no older than four, answering the door.

"Mommy!" The little girl yelled, as she grabbed Carter's legs.

"Hey, Ellie. Meet my friend Morgan." Carter said, as she pointed at Morgan.

"Hi." The little girl, Ellie, said shyly, looking up at Morgan.

"Hi, Ellie." Morgan said, tickling her side.

       She giggled and squirmed, as she tried to push Morgan away playfully. Carter walked inside and sat Ellie down on the floor. Ellie stood next to her mother and as soon as she heard the very low scream, she tightly wrapped herself to her mother's leg. The rest of the team was outside when Morgan and Carter headed towards the sound, after Carter had told Ellie to wait upstairs.

       The scream grew louder as Morgan and Carter came to the stairs. They walked down them, and what Carter saw broke her heart into a million pieces. Her mother was hurting a girl that was younger than the others she had hurt, and the poor girl was also pregnant.

"FBI! Freeze!" Morgan and Carter shouted in unison, holding their guns up at Carter's mother.

"Help me!" The young girl cried, looking over at the agents.

"Put your weapon down!" Carter exclaimed, glaring at her mother.

"Carter?! What are you doing here?! You never told me you were an FBI agent!" Francine, Carter's mother, exclaimed, looking at her daughter.

"Put your weapon down!" Carter exclaimed, full of rage and disappointment.

       Her mother sat down the weapon and Morgan cuffed her. Carter looked at her mother with such disgrace and hate, she felt as if she was going to explode. Reid was down in the basement by now, and he was keeping a watchful eye on Carter.

"How could you do this?!" Carter screeched at her mother, glaring daggers at her.

"You know what that man did to you! Nobody caught him! I wanted others to feel the same as you!" Her mother exclaimed, with tears in her eyes.

"Why?! That was traumatic for me! I never wanted any young girl to go through what I went through!" Carter yelled, hate filling her every word.

"They needed to know!" Her mother explained loudly, as tears fell from her eyes.

"No they didn't! And how could you possibly do this, knowing that Ellie was in the same house?!" She started frustratedly wiping her hand over her face, "Your grandchild in this house, and you are hurting and killing innocent young girls!" Carter exclaimed, before walking out of the basement.

      Morgan and Reid watched her leave, as Morgan led Carter's mother up the stairs and JJ helped the young girl up.

"How old are you, sweetheart?" JJ asked the girl, checking her for injuries.

"Fifteen." The girl answered, and JJ frowned.

"What's your name, and how far along are you?" JJ continued to question, knowing the answers were important.

"My name is Samantha Wallis, and I'm six months along." The girl, Samantha, explained, as she tried to calm herself down.

      JJ led her up the stairs and to an ambulance waiting outside, as Reid headed to find Carter. He walked out of the basement and walked down the hall. He soon found Carter, sitting on another set of stairs, crying. He sighed silently, before sitting next to her. He wasn't good at comforting people, same as her, but he really knew he needed to right now.

      He pulled her into a tight hug, as she cried into his shirt. He rubbed soothing circles in her back, and soon she stopped crying. Once she was finished, she sat up and looked at Reid.

"Sorry about that." She croaked, but he simply shook his head.

"It's fine. You went through a really tragic event." He replied, and she shrugged.

"I guess you're right. I just don't understand how she could do something like that." Carter stated, and he frowned.

"I don know. We may never know, but I know one thing we know for sure." He commented, as she wiped her eyes.

"Yeah? And what's that?" Carter asked, looking at Reid.

"First, your daughter is adorable, but second, she really needs you. So, I think you should go see her." Reid stated, and she nodded.

"Okay, but you're coming, too, so that I can introduce you to her." Carter replied, and he frowned.

"She might not like me." Reid said, unsure of what to expect.

"She'll love you. She loves everyone when she first meets them. Their actions towards or around her choose if she still loves you later on though." Carter explained, and he sighed.

"Well, I guess I have to meet your daughter." Reid muttered, happily.

"Good. Let's go!" Carter exclaimed, dragging him with her.


A/N: one or two more chappies left. Hope you've liked the first book so far, and I'll be posting when the second book is out.

Question of the Day: What food(s) could you never live without?

      I can't live without pizza, tacos, burritos, and chicken cheese biscuits.

Love you all!


-Youngblood Xxx

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