Chapter 10

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Song of the Day: Funeral of Hearts by HIM

       Carter and Morgan headed back to the office, even though hey had so many questions. They wanted to know why there was a sudden change in the locations and the victims state.

       Why would the unsub want a girl who was pregnant or miscarried recently? Was all of this an act of revenge, or was it all just out of pure enjoyment? If that was the case, than why is this person so sick and twisted? What happened to them when they were younger?

      So many questions that they didn't have the answer to. Once they walked back into the office, they went straight to their desks. They both wanted to try and answer the questions that were swirling around in their brains.

    Reid seen how they were when they walked into the office, so he decided to go and ask Carter what was the problem. Even though he was risking the chance of getting punched in the stomach, he still wanted to know, so that he could try and fix it. He hesitated a second, before going and sitting on the edge of her desk.

"Carter?" He called, walking cautiously towards her.

"Hmm?" She hummed questionably, staring at her files.

"What's wrong with you and Morgan? You both came into the office and went straight to your desks." He  asked, causing her to look up at him.

"Oh, well we have questions that we want answers to, so we're trying to figure them out." She answered, smiling at his concern.

"Why don't we have a meeting with my team?" He suggested, and she sighed.

"Alright, tell Hotch." She replied, standing from her seat.

        JJ and Morgan watched as the couple conversed and it made the duo happy. They thought that this couple was the most adorable thing ever and knew that these two were definitely meant for each other. Soon Hotch called everyone in and they all sat around the table in their usual spots.

"So, Reid called to my attention that Morgan and Spike had questions about the case, so what are they?" Hotch asked, looking directly at the two agents.

"Well, today we found out that the victim was different from the others." Morgan started, clasping his hands together on the table.

"How so?" Rossi asked, looking over at Morgan.

"Well, this victim had just recently miscarried at about four or five months along, her body was dumped at a school instead of a park or playing field like normal." Carter explained, as she looked over the team.

"Why the sudden change in location and body type?" JJ asked, looking between the two agents.

"See, that's what we were trying to figure out." Morgan replied, as Carter nodded in agreement.

"Maybe the unsub is coming close to the real reason that they're doing this." Prentiss suggested, propping her arm up on the arm of her desk chair.

"Maybe, or the unsub could be trying to make a statement." Reid said, his face showing full concentration.

       Bingo Carter thought to herself. She was ninety five percent sure Reid would be the one to suggest that since she didn't. Everyone in the room fell silent in thought, before nodding their head in agreement to what Reid had suggested. She knew they would, since that was the same thing she though in her mind. She was always taught to speak her mind, but in this job she knew better than to do so.

"Hello my purple rain drops." Penelope said, popping up on the screen.

"Hey, Garcia." Everyone greeted, simultaneously.

"Okay, so I heard about the change in location and body type and I thought 'what if the unsub is actually trying to target pregnant girls', so I went and dug up files on rape victims in the last five years. Which is worse that I would like, and so I dug farther in just this area, and with similar features to our victims..." Garcia began to explain, looking over her files.

"So what'd you find, baby girl?" Morgan asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I found twenty cases. I couldn't dwindle it down any more, since I couldn't exactly think of anything that might help." Garcia explained, and everyone sighed quietly.

"How about adding the fact that the girl might have been in a single parent home." Carter added, as everyone looked her way for a moment.

        Penelope typed in the suggestion quickly and scanned the screen. This dwindled it down about ten profiles, but there were still ten left. She sighed and told the team.

"Did you add the fact that the girls were athletic?" Reid asked Penelope, as she shook her head.

"No I did not." She typed a few things in the computer, "and that brings us to five." She replied, smiling slightly.

"Alright, well send Carter, Morgan, and I the files and we'll figure them out." Reid stated, and she nodded.

"Alright, will do. I'll take my red Corvette out of here. Peace." Garcia said, as her face disappeared from the screen.

       Just as she disappeared from the screen, the files were received.

"Let's start with the first one." Morgan stated, and the other two agents nodded.

"What a day." Carter said, inputting her opinion in of the day.

"You can say that again." Reid agreed, chuckling beside Carter.

      They smiled at each other, before getting back to the files. As Morgan watched the couple, he couldn't help but smile. He was glad he had them get together, since now they seem happier than they were for a while...


A/N: There's probably only going to be three or four more chappies in this story, so I hope you like them, then I'll start the second book of the series.

Question of the Day: How warm/cold is it where you live?

         All this week it's been in the mid 80s, so I've been hot all week. Uggh! Lol

Love you guys!


-Youngblood Xxx

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