Part 3

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Willow's POV
Oh my gosh, Diggie just told me that he has feelings for Maddie😃. People are saying that Diggie and Maddie would be better together than Liv and Diggie, so we call them Miggie. " I'm glad you said that because people would like you two together instead of you and Liv" I reply. Really I didn't know that he says surprised. I know it's going to be hard to break up with Liv without getting her twin mad, besides I see that you two are completely different, you're into the sports and she's not, and she doesn't hang out with you and your friends either so I can see it's getting hard. I answer. So what are you saying? He asks. Well break up with Liv as nice as possible and wait a bit so it doesn't look like Maddie is a rebound and you a player, then start flirting with Maddie and see how that goes. I say. Alright thanks for the advice. He says and walks away. End of POV
Diggie's POV
After that talk I had with Willow, I started thinking about a way to break up with Liv as nice as possible, I'm going to ask her if we can talk alone so no one gets embarrassed in front of the whole school. I finally see Liv and I walk up to her, hey Liv can we talk alone? I ask. Yeah sure, she replies. We walk outside to a tree so it's more quiet. So what's up? She asks. I look her in the eye, I'm really sorry Liv but I don't think it's working out between us. I answer sadly. I understand, she says. Really? I ask. Yeah I mean we're completely different so it's kinda hard to bond over something, but I wouldn't mind being friends with you though. She says. I would like that too. I reply with a smile. I know you may not be happy with this, but I was wondering if you would be ok if I asked out your sister in a while such as a few months? I ask. Yeah I'm ok with that because to be completely honest with you, I started developing feelings for someone else. End of POV

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