Part 7

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The next day
Maddie's POV
I was at my locker when I felt hands cover my eyes. Guess who? The person asked. Is it Zac Efron? I ask. No guess again, he answers. Is it my amazing boyfriend Diggie? I ask. You are correct babe, he says as he turns me around and we kiss passionately, then we pull away. Wow these kisses keep getting better and better by the minute, I say to myself. So how was basketball practice? He asks with a smile. It was ok but I don't know if we're going to be ready to play against the grizzlies next weekend, I reply. Don't say that you guys are going to beat them, he says kissing my forehead. I'm not so sure about that. I say looking disappointed, why what's up? He asks. One of the players bruised her leg and she's one of our good players, I reply. Well as you said it's a bruise it'll probably heal up by the game. He reassures me, putting his hands on my shoulders. Ok if you say so, I say still disappointed. He brings me in for a nice long hug and we finally pull away when the bell rings. Well I gotta get to math, I say with a sigh. I have gym so I'll see you later he says then gives me a kiss on the cheek and leaves. End of POV
Diggie's POV
I feel bad for Maddie and her team, they've worked so hard but as I said it's a bruise so it'll probably heal by the game. I get changed for gym and do the work outs. After class Maddie and I have the same class together which is Chemistry, I get showered and changed and went to my locker. I walk into class and I see Maddie in her seat and I guess we're 15 minutes early. Hey Mads, I say and she almost jumps out of her seat. Oh hey babe she says, what's up with you? I ask. Let's just say I didn't learn anything except her problems and how her boyfriend cheated on her and how the world is all wrong, she finished with a sigh. Wow poor you. I say patting her back, well at least I got to sleep through it, she says. I laugh and kiss her forehead and go to my seat as everyone comes in. Ok class you guys are going to be balancing equations so I want someone to come up to the board and solve this problem, she says as writing it down. She looks around the class and we're all hoping to not get chosen, Maddie why don't you come and give it a shot? She asks, I guess Maddie answers her as she goes up to the board. Within 5 minutes later she solved it and it was right, and it was the hardest one on the page, wow her being smart is making my feelings for her even stronger. Hopefully one day I can put a ring on that finger. End of POV

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