Part 27

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9 months later
Maddie's POV
Baby number two is on the way and we're rushing to the hospital, I have a feeling that Diggie is kinda nervous because we'll have to watch over 2 kids but I'm pretty sure we can handle it. I finally had the baby and it's another boy, now the house is going to have some chaos. End of POV
Diggie's POV
I'm so happy that I have another son, poor Maddie she's gonna have to put up with 3 guys in the house. We decided to call this one Noah Alexander Smalls, like last time everyone was falling in love with him. We had Willow watch Spencer, I know what you are all thinking why leave Willow in charge of a child? She's actually really good with him and they seem to have a good connection out of the rest of our friends. I look at Maddie, are you ready to take on another challenge? I ask, well as long as I have you then I should be fine. She replies with a smile that melts my heart. End of POV
Liv's POV
I'm so glad that nephew number two finally arrived, Maddie and Diggie make really cute kids even though it's really hard to get the image out of my brain. Josh finally proposed to me on our 2 year anniversary, I've been planning and as Maddie said I never thought they would be so stressful to plan. We agreed that the wedding will be in four months which means we have to pick up the planning pace. I'm excited but also nervous, I just hope we turn out like Maddie and Diggie. End of POV

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